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Title: Where is the COURSE UP option?
Good day, I have iNavX with my iPhone 3G and use it often, as it is a great program.

The only problem that I have found is where is the option to use COURSE UP option, as the size of the screen really calls for this?

Many other navigation programs have this option, and I have been waiting for over a year for this to be introduced.

I am looking forward to any comments or insights into this.

Thanks, IAN
Good news. iNavX 3.0.2 has course up. It has been submitted to Apple so I expect it to be available within a weeks time.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for this great info. I will be eagerly looking for the update.

Thanks again, IAN...
I thought there was a discussion where course up wasn't important?
Course up was a feature that some users desired. Many users were ambivalent and some users did not want it. It is now there, use it if you want.

Using computers for marine navigation is still relatively new. As more and more people adopt it, workflow methods and SW will evolve.
The future of marine computing will be augmented reality. we've already seen a preview of it on that Americas cup boat that was victorious this year.

Imagine sunglasses with a heads-up display, buoys highlighted, night vision, 3d rendering of the seabed superimposed, visual representation of the wind, tides, currents, AIS traffic headers, zooming...

early days, but it will happen...

Check out Pairsite's Theodolite for an example of what can be done with just an iPhone 3GS.
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
iNavX 3.0.2 is now available as a free update. Changes include -

Course Up chart orientation. If green border, tap orientation indicator in lower left hand corner of chart for course up orientation.
New graphics for Instruments including Analog SOG and BSP.
New graphics for Instruments including Analog COG and HDG.
More efficient route creating/editing in "Route" view.

Instruments screen shots:



Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi, I just downloaded the 3.0.2 update onto my iPhone 3G, and I don't think the "course up" option is working. I see the small arrow in the left corner, and when it has a green line around it, I click it and it becomes circled with a blue line. However out walking around the marina, it doesn't seem to be very fast or consistent? Is this feature only for 3GS and above units?

I also notice that the SOG doesn't seem to register any speed indication will I was out walking, or even out just putting around with the dinghy?

My 3G iPhone's gps works fine with other software like Google Maps or Navionics for example?

Sorry to be a stick in the mud, but I feel deprived... IAN ... Smile
Certainly iPhone 3Gs and iPad will work much better (more accurate quicker updates) because it has a magnetic compass, but for iPhone 3G course up will use COG (Course Over Ground). I have found on iPhone 3G that COG doesn't become reliable until SOG is above about 5 knots. Also make sure HPE (Horizontal Position Error) displayed in the "Instruments" tab is less than 50'.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the info and tips... I will try to test the SOG of 5 kts tomorrow, as I can't walk that fast Smile

In the meantime, I will continue playing with the 3G until I receive the new iPhone 4 Smile

Great work with the updates, and any idea if in future updates if there will be an indicator showing the GPS satellite connection quality? ex: RED-lost satellites / YELLOW-mediocre quality / GREEN-high quality satellite connection

Thanks again for the tips and keep up the great work, IAN...
I am hoping iPhone 4 GPS is as good as iPad 3G GPS. It's a world of difference over iPhone 3G.

The color of the dot in the position icon indicates the accuracy of the plotted position: Gray = none, Yellow = weak, Green = strong. Furthermore iNavX displays the accuracy in the Instruments view via the HPE: reading. I find iPhone 3G/3Gs to typically be in the 30' - 50' range where iPad 3G is often under 15'.

I considered not enabling the course up for devices without compass, but decided not to because COG does become decent once iPhone 3G has some velocity.

On devices with a compass, one can have iNavX use COG instead by turning "HDG:" in the Instruments view "Setup" to OFF.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
ReeferJon Wrote:The future of marine computing will be augmented reality. we've already seen a preview of it on that Americas cup boat that was victorious this year.

Imagine sunglasses with a heads-up display, buoys highlighted, night vision, 3d rendering of the seabed superimposed, visual representation of the wind, tides, currents, AIS traffic headers, zooming...

early days, but it will happen...

Check out Pairsite's Theodolite for an example of what can be done with just an iPhone 3GS.

I think you are probably right...finding the balance between tech and nature will be the key. I already find myself oftentimes having to force my head "out of the boat" even with the rudimentary (as compared to the AC system) systems we already have.

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