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Title: 12vdc powered USB hubs
I need a USB hub that can run from the same 12v battery bank that will be powering the computer, etc. I did some Googling and reading on this subject, and most hits come from car related websites. Among the suggestions that I read, what seems the simplest to me is to locate a USB hub that already runs on a 12vdc input. While most powered USB hubs seem to take a 5vdc input, I have one at home that takes 10vdc, and according to some other discussion forums there are USB hubs that use less commong voltages, like 6, 9 or 12vdc.

One thing I gathered from other forums is that simple Walmart style voltage converters would give me the correct voltage to run a hub requiring 5vdc, but those converters typically deliver only 500 milli amps.

Does anyone out there have some experience with adding USB hubs to 12vdc powered systems? Though I've heard that 12vdc hubs are out there, I do not know what brands or models use that voltage. I did see a commercially available USB hub that is advertised as a 12v powered hub, but that one is also $130. It seems pretty silly to spend $130 if some $20 hub is already built to run on 12vdc.

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