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Title: iNAVx displays wrong speed (SOG)
I'm using GPS via Bluetooth (Dual GPS). The speed displayed is very erratic, sometimes up to 2 knots less that true SOG as measured by my Garmin handheld.

Any ideas why?
I will investigate this and post back my results.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I noticed the same thing last weekend. Also, iNavX seems to be reading compass data from the iPad internal compass instead of the Dual GPS. If I sit athwartships or turn the iPad sideways for landscape view, the boat icon turns 90 degrees to the track.
The Dual GPS receiver does not have a compass. If you wish to use the GPS COG (Course) for the position icon orientation simply turn "HDG:" OFF in the Instruments "Setup". Realize for COG to have any meaning one must be underway.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
FYI My Dual GPS died. Will try to return it. Seems it couldn't stand the heat in the cockpit! Turns on, BT is fine, but the green GPS light is not longer lit and the iPAD cannot receive GPS data. I'm using CE to send my Raymarine GPS data to iNAVX via WiFi.

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