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Title: iNavX usability feature requests
I just used iNavX to navigate in and around the BVI's for a week and had a few usability issues.

1) I used an iPad w/ SealLine waterproof cover. With gloved fingers or when it rained, crewmembers would frequently accidentally tap the screen resulting in the chart disappearing -- either due to navigating to the "track" screen, opening preferences, or accidentally going "back" to chart selection menu. Would be great to be able to "lock" the chart view that requires a swiping motion or similar to unlock. Said "Lock" view should center around the current position with the ability to set the default scale

2) When I am using tracks and waypoints, I couldn't find an obvious way to select the next/previous waypoint from the chart screen. If I go to the routes screen, you need to navigate to the specific route in order to select "next" waypoint. Would be great to have an easier way to select next/previous waypoint on current route.

3) The application needs a big icon to automatically go straight to a chart view at max zoom around the current position so that you can get back to seeing your surroundings no matter how many levels deep you are into the menu system. This would also be a quicker way to start w/o having to pick a random chart first. Default to vector charts as well over raster.

4) Track recorder: Would be great to allow recording named tracks rather than one long track. Inside the application itself would be great to record/display tabular data so that you have SOG, COG, time, lat, lon, VMG, etc.. This is much less important than #1/#2 above

Having read some of the previous posts on here, I think iNavX on iPad is most useful as a permanent on device while sailing rather than as something to be checked occasionally. If I could find a way to mount the iPad better than just using parachute cord and hardwire power -- i would!

thanks for the great app.

Thanks for your feedback.

For #2, you can tap DTR:, TMR:, TOA: and RTN: on the Instruments banner or view and a graphic of the current route will be displayed. This graphic allows tapping any waypoint or "Next" or "Prev" to select the waypoint..

Active Route Graphic

For #3, while not a big icon (as there just isn't screen space for such), at any time you can double-tap the "Chart" tab button and the chart will return to the device position.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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