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Title: Captain's Log
Is there a Mac version of something like VMGs' Captains Log? Looks like an interesting way to keep track of things.

The web site <http://www.vmgsoftware.com/index.html> shows it is Windows XP specific.

If you have an Intel based Mac you can run this by using the $49.00 Parallels Workstation to run XP just like any other application. Look at the web page <http://www.parallels.com/en/products/workstation/>

This may just be motive enough to upgrade your on board Mac ....(grin)....

Why not asking them to port Capt'n Log to Mac OS X? As they state on their homepage, to check their homepage often, because other OS versions will be added!

OTOH, couldn't one use an Apple Script to extract the data from GPSNavX Logfile so every 15 to 30 or more minutes? This way one would get a resumed logbook. Though not as nice as Capt'n Log, but it would be a beginning.


Here's the answer to my request if Capt'n log will be ported to OS X:

But would like to help but my programming experience with Mac is Zero. I'm a Mac user for only 4-5 years now. Any help would be appreciated.



Thanks for your interest and question.

Captn's Log for Windows XP is developed using C# for .NET. As such it should in theory run on any machine that supports the .NET framework. I am not a Mac user and have never developed for the Mac so it is unlikely that I will port the program to that platform using native Mac tools. However if you are knowledgeable and adventurous there appears to be a .Net runtime available for the Mac OSX through the "Mono" project, but I am not sure how stable or popular it is, and in order for Captn's Log to be run there I would have to re-spin a version that didn't rely on the registry for it bootstrap information. Let me know how committed you are to trying that approach and I will investigate what it would take to build a version that *MIGHT* work. For now the easiest and best way to run Captn's Log on a Mac is by running it under a Windows emulator such as paralls.


Rich Urmston
VMG Software
Sadly, I think that going forward more Windows developers are going to be less likely to develop applications for OS X since they can give the answer "Just run it in Windows".

My response, is if you see a vertical market such as a full featured Captains Log application then by all means develop it and sell it. That is how GPSNavX came about. There was no OS X marine navigation application so I developed one for myself. There is a market for these vertical OS X applications.

Apple certainly provideds the resources to get started in OS X developement.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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