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Title: Possible GPXNavX Upgrade
I was wondering if being able to split screen a chart on GPXNavX would be possible? One side, say at 100% and the other side 50% or less. I find when using GPSNavX, instead of using the instant last zoom feature having split screen would be useful. That way I could keep a close eye on my position at 100-200% but still see the general overall area. Just a thought! What does everyone else feel?

Take care and safe winter boating.

MV Eboness Big Grin
Couldn't you do a split running both GPSNavX and MacENC, making each window half screen?

I would like to see Tracks in Tracks Window treated the same way as Routes in the Routes Window. I would like to see Tracks stored in folders like Routes are.
I would think both programs would need gps data at the same time. Only using GPSNavX is this possible?

MV Eboness
Yes, GPSNavX and MacENC can both receive GPS at the same time.

I don't have the programs in front of me but, as I remember, you start GPSNavX receiving GPS data first, then you start MacENC and use a menu item to receive GPS data from GPSNavX.

Sorry I don't remember the exact menu item.

I am sure there is someone out there that tell us the menu item.

My question would be, would the program that is running in the background be updating as well as the program running in the foreground?
Yes both GPSNavX and MacENC can share the same GPS as described above. They will both update regardless if foreground or background.

This feature was added before MacENC could display raster charts, but it still remains for those who want to have more than one chart displayed.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
So let me get this straight. Can I have the same chart, split screen, one at 200% and the other 50% using GPXNavX. Or do I need to have both GPSNavX and MacENC to do this?

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