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Title: PolarCom Blank, GPS Gone?
Hi all.

I just downloaded the demo version of PolarView (Mac) and PolarCom. I am using a serial (USB) GPS antenna connected to my Macbook, running OSX 10.5.8 with 2 GB of RAM.

PolarCom boots to a small, blank screen in the upper left of my monitor. PolarView looks interesting, but I have no current location indicator. I also cannot find any way to see if the program is reading my GPS antenna.

Do I have the "wrong" software or something?



1. PolarCOM defaults to a single instrument panel which you can resize - this is likely what you see (it should not be blank, but I can't tell for sure without seeing your screen).
You can define an arbitrary number of additional instrument panels as necessary.

2. PolarCOM is pre-configured to autodetec an NMEA 0183 GPS device. This works for most USB (really, serial) GPS devices. If it does not - you can always configure GPS manually as described here:

3. Once PolarCOM has instrument data, PolarView needs to be connected to PolarCOM by using menu option Ship->Connect to PolarCOM
Additional documentation can be found here:
Thanks for your reply.

The problem appears to be PolarCom. Just so you know I am not a newbie to the Mac. I was selling macs and developing custom databases and networks with macs starting in 1984. My experience at this point is that PolarCom simply does not work. When I open PolarCom, all I see is:

- A small, blank white square in the upper left of my screen, with no borders (just a blank white square, an empty window, no window definition features)
- The apple menu,
- The PolarCom menu, and
- The "Help" menu.

The PolarCom menu contains Quit, show, hide and services menus. The only thing I can get PolarCom to do is quit.

My OS is not unique or modified in any way. The GPS I am using is the GlobalStar (I think that is the name), unit recommended on the PolarCom website.

I don't want to be a pain, but it seems to me that PolarCom simply does not work on a Mac.


Cap'n Bri,

If you control-click in the white square, do you see a pop-up menu? If so, choose "Configure" and setup the NMEA inputs you want.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Capn Bri Wrote:I don't want to be a pain, but it seems to me that PolarCom simply does not work on a Mac.


Smile Perhaps so. A few thousand users seem to be somewhat successful in running PolarCOM on a Mac. So - it must work, if only occasionally. Smile

What happens when you:
1. Launch PolarCOM
2. With PolarCOM running, Ctrl+click (i.e. hold the Ctrl key and click the touch pad or mouse button) on the PolarCOM icon in the launcher?
Sorry for the delay and thanks again for your attention. I was at the Annapolis Sailboat show over the last several days and my WiFi antenna on my boat stopped working.

To answer your questions, when I launch PolarCom, A small, blank white square appears in the upper left of my screen, with no borders (just a blank white square, an empty window, no window definition features).

When I control-click (or command-click, or command-control-click) the square what happens is ...nothing.

PolarCom appears to be running as there is a PolarCom menu next to the Apple menu. The PolarCom menu includes the following commands:

- Services (the usual Unix services appear here)
-Hide PolarCom
-Hide Other
-Show All (grayed out), and
-Quit PolarCom

I also downloaded it onto another Mac and tried to use it with the same results.

Otherwise the program is entirely unresponsive to any poking or prodding. Again, I am running OS X, v. 10.5.8 on both Macs.

thanks again for helping me deal with this problem. I REALLY like what I can see of PolarView, and the interface is absolutely superior. I just cannot get it to read any GPS or other data.


This seems to at least get me somewhere.

Control-clicking on the window did nothing. But control-clicking on the Icon in the applications bar brought up a menu that let me configure PolarCom for use with the GPS antenna.

I am unable to use this on the laptop because I left it on my boat 180 miles from home. I will try it this weekend and let you know how it works out.

thanks again


Hi There, Just to add some weight to your topic I am having the very same problem. I have taken a screen shot which depicts pretty much exactly that which you describe.

After uploading the PolarCom to my Macbook air running Lion 10.7.2 with 1.8 intel core i7 and 4 GB memory I get a blank white box appearing top left of screen. The PolarCom menu choice is in the Menu bar and when we click on that we do get a couple of choices which I copied on the image. The image is over on twitter photo.

I really need to get this sorted out and would very much appreciate any help out there. Thanks.

Oh, how can I load an image from my desktop here?

I added the image to twitter photo hope thats OK
HI There, Just a note to explain that the PolarNavy help desk has resolved this problem for me. Actually the white screen issues remained but the program was active and using Shift + Alt + 'C' we were able to access and use the configuration screen. After I configured I switched off and when switched back on again the blank white was gone.

Now working fine.

Thank you.
I had the same problem. It happens the first time you start Polarcom if you haven't configured any instruments. What you see is a blank instrument panel. Just Control click the Polarcom icon on the task bar and set-up some instruments and you'll be good to go.
Quote:I don't want to be a pain, but it seems to me that PolarCom simply does not work on a Mac.

POLAR COM works quite well on the MacOS. I have made extensive use of its features to configure various connections for AIS data to be displayed on POLAR VIEW NS. I show a few screen shots of the various configurations and explain the method in


particular under the sub-heading

PolarCOM Input-Output Features
Marseille - France
I downloaded Polarcom and Polarview to my Mac Powerbook G4 Aluminum running OSX 10.5.8 (Leopard) at a CPU speed of 133 mhz.

I use a serial cable connector to mu usb port for my Magellan 300 GPS. From the outset both pieces of softeware worked perfectly.

I highly recommend it and will purchase it soon.


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