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Title: Mac Book Pro
We are considering a 17" Mac Book Pro for the boat. When I read the reviews on Amazon there were raves, and there were some pretty harsh comments.

Anybody here have that machine? How do you like it?

We are currently running a PowerBook G4 with GPS NavX. Both are solid as a rock. I would not budge from that combination except I'm tempted by a satellite weather hookup that needs to run on the dreaded Windows.
I have an older PowerBook G4 17". I find it is more of a luggable. I have since replaced it with a MacBook 13". I find that much better as a laptop. As far as Intel speed goes, I find it about 6X faster than the long in the tooth G4. Great for MacENC. Another benefit of the MacBook is the plastic case gives much better wifi reception.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I got a 15" intel core duo a couple months ago. It's my 6th mac. 2nd laptop.
I love it. I need to get the good ones for video editing but for general use I don't see much difference with my old 1Ghz powerbook. I'm sure it's faster
but not so as to really notice. alot of this upgrading stuff is smoke and mirrors. But this laptop did take a mighty whack from my ice chest knob over a 12 inch drop - right onto the laptop cover which it dented but without
any screen damage.

for me the question is what else is there? get a mac and get the best you can afford.

I put mine in an industrial sized ziploc bag (buy at the grocery store) and then in your case or where ever.


Caleb crosby
living aboard
Bristol 27
For what it's worth the intel duo macbook pro 15" is the best laptop I've ever owned or used. I thought I would get a 17" when I went into buy it, but the 17" was just too darn big.
Quote:For what it's worth the intel duo macbook pro 15" is the best laptop I've ever owned or used.

Ditto for my black Macbook 13". I can't imagine wielding a 17"er on a boat. I find the 13" screen is more than adequate in the confines of a boat. Probably helps I moved up from a 10" ibook rather than down from a desktop with a large monitor. I'd also assume a smaller model would use less power, if that's an issue (as it is for me).
I'm using a 17" MacBook Pro and I love it. I used a 15" for years because I didn't want the extra size. But the extra size really makes a difference when looking at charts.
using the intel mini with a 17 inch lcd screen. very pleased with this as I can just leave the thing hooked up with no wires etc visible.

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