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Title: Setup problem Miniplex 42-BT
Miniplex 42-BT
Miniplex Config Tool version 1.30
New MacBook Pro
Mac ENC version: 5.10
Sailing Instruments: ComNav
GPS: Garmin 182 (single-ended wiring as per Miniplex manual. The (b-) terminal is grounded to DC ground for all devices.
Autopilot: ComNav, ComPilot, Commander. (On Output #2)
NASA AIS receiver connected to RS-232 of 42-BT.

Here is what I have: Bluetooth is working. I'm receiving GPS data on the computer with a Green/Yellow flashing button and I see data in the monitor. GPS is connected to "Listener Port #1"
Instruments are connected to "Listener Port #3.
I left "Listener Port #2 empty as a second GPS will be installed and this port will be saved for it.
Autopilot connected to "Output 2" is receiving data and follows a waypoint when activated.

1. AIS is receiving data in the Monitor but the button stays yellow all the time, (and all data in monitor window is yellow). I do not see any commercial shipping on the chart. There is almost always commercial shipping as our boat is close to NY Harbor. When the AIS was connected via a Keyspan Serial/USB converter all worked great in MacENC. I moved it over to the RS-232 connection on the 42-BT for total wireless capability.
In the Miniplex Config Tool I have settings as per the Miniplex manual with AIS selected and 38400. The Instrument and AIS draws have "Use GPS Port" selected.

2. I have a VHF and SSB radio connected to receive GPS data from "Output 1" on the 42-BT. Both radio's will show the lat/long on their display's and use it for DSC. This feature worked with the old -pre Miniplex wiring and same GPS but does not receive data from "output #1" on the 42-BT now. I believe there is no data coming out of the "Output #1" terminals.

After carefully checking all my work I'm either repeatedly overlooking the same simple configuration error or there is an equipment / wiring problem I'm not catching here. From what I described is there anything obvious that I missed?

I'm almost there!
For problem #1, If the status icon in the AIS/RADAR panel remains yellow that means there is no AIS NMEA data present. Specificially you would need to be receiving !AIVDM NMEA data sentences. These NMEA data sentences will only be present when your AIS receiver is receiving AIS transponder transmissions from other vessels. You want to make sure that the Multiplexer is in "AIS" mode using the Miniplex Configuration Tool.

Now this relates to problem #2, if the 42 BT is in "AIS" mode, then Channel 1 output will only be the RS232 input receivied (i.e. AIS NMEA data).

You would need to split output #2 into two and send it to both the autopilot and the VHF. Any NMEA data output can drive up to 4 receivers.

If you do not already have the Miniplex Configuration Tool, then contact GPSNavX for the latest version that supports "AIS" mode.

In the future for quickest technical support email GPSNavX directly.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Ok, Thanks - I understand where the problem is. When I did the wiring I established a dual bus, (Blue Seas 5 position dual bus) and feed it from "output #1". I can easily change the feed to Output #2 and include VHF, SSB and autopilot. I'll give this a try.

Thank you
With AIS selected in the "Miniplex Config Tool" I tried using output 2, but there is no data flowing out of this set of terminals. Also tried Output 1 in the above post without success.

In AIS mode there is no data at all on "Output 1 or 2". AIS data is present in the "monitor" draw but shows in yellow only and no ships appear on the chart. This tells me the wiring between AIS receiver and RS-232 terminals on the 42-BT are correct. If they were not I should get nothing from the AIS receiver into the 42-BT.

I decided to do some basic testing with hardware.

I took the NMEA out from the Garmin GPS and connected it to the data bus where I have the VHF and SSB connected. All worked fine with GPS data showing on the radio displays.

Next, I hooked up the NASA, AIS receivers serial cable to a Keyspan converter and than direct to the USB port on the MacBook Pro. Immediately, three commercial ships showed on the MacEnc chart and all data in the monitor draw was green.

So, I know the VHF,SSB and AIS radios all work. With the Miniplex 42-BT in AIS mode there is no data on the outputs but there is data via Bluetooth, however, the AIS data is not acceptable to MacEnc as it shows in Yellow and does not display targets even when I know three ships are transmitting close by.

At this point I changed the mode using the Miniplex Config Tool to "Auto". In Auto I had NMEA data on Output 2 feeding both the VHF and SSB correctly and Bluetooth had data going to the computer. I did not check if any data was on Output 1. In Auto mode I connected AIS independently of the Miniplex using the Keyspan converter and this too worked properly.

The question is why no data on the outputs when in AIS mode? And, why is AIS NMEA data displayed in yellow and not showing on the chart when in AIS mode with ships transmitting?
Please forward a copy of the NMEA data in you see in the AIS/RADAR panel Monitor drawer (press start) to me. gpsnavx at mac dot com. Provide about 15 seconds worth.

From that I will be able to tell if you are receiving AIS NMEA data (i.e !AIVDM NMEA data sentence) to the AIS/RADAR panel. I suspect not since the status icon on the AIS/RADAR panel remains yellow.

I believe that your AIS receiver is not getting the NMEA data to the BT-42 and hence that is why you do not see any AIS targets, nor any NMEA data out port #2.

For quicker response please email me directly.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Turns out the customer had the transmits and receive outputs of the AIS receiver reversed. Once corrected the AIS receiver and the Miniplex-BT worked like a charm.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Yes, its true, I did wire the serial plug wrong. I mistakenly followed the diagram on page 5 of the MiniPlex manual which shows the correct pin orientation for connecting a computer to the MiniPlex RS-232 terminals. As I found out one must reverse the plug gender in order to get it right for AIS. I think it would be helpful if the manual also showed a plug wiring diagram specifically from the AIS receiver to MiniPlex terminal strip point of view as well as the MiniPlex to computer that is there now. I was so sure I had this part right that I never revisited the wiring of the plug until absolutly desperate. I have to credit GPSNavX and Shipmodul for their incredable patience with me on this most basic mistake. Their responses and help was always immediate and detailed. Thank you. I promise, I won't ever get this one wrong again. Big Grin
Please explain reverse wiring for AIS.
I have multiplexer lite with Nobeltec AIS 100 and having similar problems - no ais targets even though they were there and very close (throught internet connection)
Powerbook G4 10.4x Mac ENC GPS intruments work fine.

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