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Title: NMEA data missing
I am a very Big Grin happy user of MacENC in combination with MiniPlex 42BT and a Garmin GPS and Raymarine Instruments on the other side of the multiplexer. I am using the NMEA out from my Raymarine ST60 Graphic.

I am not able to get the HDG, HDM and VHW sentences all the way into MacENC. I do get other NMEA sentences from the intruments like DBT, MTW and MWV.

I have been strughling a lot but I can't find a solution. Has anyone seen this problem or even better have a solution or tip for me?

Kind regards,
Igor Quik
iquik Wrote:I am a very Big Grin happy user of MacENC in combination with MiniPlex 42BT and a Garmin GPS and Raymarine Instruments on the other side of the multiplexer. I am using the NMEA out from my Raymarine ST60 Graphic.

I am not able to get the HDG, HDM and VHW sentences all the way into MacENC. I do get other NMEA sentences from the intruments like DBT, MTW and MWV.

Have you used the MiniPlex configuration app to verify that indeed the missing NMEA data 1.) exists and 2.) is being received by the MiniPlex42BT?
bobetter Wrote:Have you used the MiniPlex configuration app to verify that indeed the missing NMEA data 1.) exists and 2.) is being received by the MiniPlex42BT?

Even more basic - do you have the right set of instruments to generate these sentences? The one required that stands out is the Raymarine fluxgate compass. You need that to get the magnetic heading, required for the three sentences you're not getting. You probably won't get these from the GPS. Some Garmins, notably the etrex, have a fluxgate built in but the few manuals I looked at indicated they were generating a different sentence.
MacENC is very flexible in interfacing to NMEA data sources. Typically when using a Multiplexer you select the port of the Multiplexer in the GPS panel Settings drawer, you then select "Use GPS Port" in the Instruments panel Settings drawer and if you have an AIS or RADAR interfaced to the Multiplexer you do the same in the AIS/RADAR panel Settings drawer.

One can quickly see what NMEA data sentences are coming into MacENC simply by opening the GPS, Instruments or AIS/RADAR panel Monitor drawer and press "Start". NMEA data sentences in green are those processed by the respective panel. Yellow indicates ignored by the respective panel.

A summary of the NMEA sentences that MacENC supports is here..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
All the information is available on all ST60 units (Heading is coming from flux compas). They are all connected via SeaTalk. I am using the NMEA out from my ST60 Graphic. According to the manual it should make data (like Heading) available on the NMEA out.

When using the MiniPlex config tool in my Macbook some NMEA sentences seam to be missing. I realize that:
- the problem is probably not related to MacENC

Could it be:
- A problem in the Raymarine unit?
- Something not right configures in the MiniPlex?
iquik Wrote:All the information is available on all ST60 units (Heading is coming from flux compas). They are all connected via SeaTalk. I am using the NMEA out from my ST60 Graphic. According to the manual it should make data (like Heading) available on the NMEA out.

When using the MiniPlex config tool in my Macbook some NMEA sentences seam to be missing. I realize that:
- the problem is probably not related to MacENC

Could it be:
- A problem in the Raymarine unit?
- Something not right configures in the MiniPlex?
I would verify that ALL your ST60 instruments are indeed interconnected and that the data you are missing is actually appearing at the unit from which you are taking your feed to the mux. Some Raymarine installations use 2 Seatalk busses, 1 for wind, depth, etc. and 1 for fluxgate, AP and course computer. There should be a Seatalk output available at the Raymarine course computer, if you take that output to the mux, does the missing data appear (and the data you currently have disappear)? Make sure you have NO filters enabled in the mux when you do this test.
This may be part of what Bobetter is implying, but if after you've checked the Seatalk per his advice and still haven't solved the problem, remember that one of the ports on your Miniplex will read Seatalk and convert it to NMEA. Right now as I read it you're having your ST60 Graphic do the translating. Try wiring the Seatalk into the multiplexer and see if there's a difference.

Wiring the seatalk into the miniplex is simple but wires are backwards from what seem intuitive. You also need to use the config tool to let the Miniplex know it has Seatalk coming in. I have a setup similar to yours with Raymarine ST60's and MiniplexBT, though with only wind and multi displays and couldn't get it to work until I realized I had the seatalk wires backwards.

Just one more tool if you run out of ideas

I think the problem is that Raymarine ST60 Display does not convert all Seatalk sentences they receive into the corresponding NMEA sentences. Raymarine often does not make it clear in their manuals what sentences are converted. I worked through these issues during my installation of A MAC and MacENC about 2 years ago but did not make many notes - sorry.

The surest way around this is to use a 3rd party Seatalk to NEMA converter box - not Raymarine's as I did.

You can see a block diagram on my installation at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/crews_nest/549486483/ It grew over time as I added new stuff.

I too am very happy with MacENC.

rirvine Wrote:The surest way around this is to use a 3rd party Seatalk to NEMA converter box - not Raymarine's as I did.

The Miniplex that Igor already has will do that if wired as I suggest, and won't cost anything to try. Just take one of the seatalk cables included with every instrument (I ended up with extras), cut off one end, strip the wires, and hook it up. I just checked mine, and the red wire goes to 4A on the MiniplexBT, and the yellow to 4B. Tie the black one off. Don't forget to use the config tool to turn the Seatalk mode on.

Thanks for all the tips. I will give it a try with the seatalk. I will post the result.

I found the cause of the problem:-) In stead of the ST60 Graphic, I tried the ST60 Multi NMEA out. This appears to be working perfect.

In other words, this is a software bug in hte ST60 Graphic.

Thank all for helping me.

I think this is a Raymarine “feature”. Not all Raymarine ST60 boxes that convert Seatalk to NMEA convert all Seatalk sentences they receive to the corresponding NMEA sentances. This "feature" comes is two forms either sentences are not converted at all or some of the fields are not included in the conversion.

The Ryamarine documentation is never very clear about these limitations.


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