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Title: What would you tell a new Mac user who is going cruising?
Hello all ~

We're new members to the group, although we've had this site bookmarked for a couple of months now. There's a lot of information here, and while we've explored the forums (especially the OCENS announcement), we've still not found what we're looking for. Our apologies in advance if this information is already posted but we've missed it.

We're trying to find out what the compatibility is between Mac and Iridium, and what onboard communications (via the Internet) are available through the Mac. Any information would be appreciated!
Cynthia and Butch
XGate for Mac OS X by GMN is certified by Iridium to provide HF and Sat Phone email connectivity..

Learn More Here

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Yes, thank you -- we're aware of XGate, but have heard conflicting reports of how easy (or not) it is to use with Mac. It could be that older versions of Mac required the installation of other Windows-based software in order to make it work, and that newer Mac OS (we both have Leopard) work just fine w/o other software needed for compatibility, but even looking at the XGate site, it claims Mac compatibility but doesn't indicate that it will allow use of Safari (but does work for Explorer, etc).

We'd love to hear from someone who is using Iridium and Mac for communications (Internet, weather, email) and how that's working, and what, if any, particular adjustments, additional software, was needed. Thanks again Smile
XGate is an email gate way. It has nothing to do with an internet browser. It allows you to send and receive email efficiently over an Iridium sat phone.

If you do wish to browse the internet using an Iridium Sat Phone then you would use XWeb to get the best performance. It works fine with Safari or for that matter any browser.

Both of these solutions run natively on OS X 10.4 or later. Neither require MS Windows.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Albatross Wrote:Yes, thank you -- we're aware of XGate, but have heard conflicting reports of how easy (or not) it is to use with Mac. It could be that older versions of Mac required the installation of other Windows-based software in order to make it work, and that newer Mac OS (we both have Leopard) work just fine w/o other software needed for compatibility, but even looking at the XGate site, it claims Mac compatibility but doesn't indicate that it will allow use of Safari (but does work for Explorer, etc).
We'd love to hear from someone who is using Iridium and Mac for communications (Internet, weather, email) and how that's working, and what, if any, particular adjustments, additional software, was needed. Thanks again Smile
I've been using the Mac version of XGate with an Iridium phone on a Mini running 10.4 for some time with nothing but success. Within XGate is XWeb which gives one the ability to also browse the internet with whatever browser you choose. While XWeb does a great job of speeding up web access, it cannot increase the basic speed of the Iridium connection and any pages you attempt to look at that are rich in content will be slo to load. I restrict my browsing with the Iridium connection to text-only pages, mainly those from NOAA. In terms of sending and receiving email, XGate for Mac is fantastic, easy to install and a complete no-brainer to use. There is no other SW required and there is absolutely no need to expose your Mac to any PC apps.
Xweb will work with any web browser. The compression service is proxy based so its simply a matter of setting up the proxy settings appropriately for your browser to use the service.

MaXGate comes bundled with a version of firefox configured for xweb. The installation is a simple as dragging the X from the distribution dmg onto your desktop. To configure XGate for use with your iridum phone you run the DUN/Modem installer (under the xgate programs menu) and follow the instructions. This will create a new network location configured to dial through your Iridium phone.

Really... the installation could not be simpler.

The Mac version of xgate supports
- compression based e-mail
- compression based web browsing
- sailblogs posting of pictures, blogs, and position reports to your presonal web site
- vessel tracking
- sub accounts for crew and passengers
- webmail accresss to xgate

The software comes bundled with a preconfigured version of thunderbird mail for the mac so after you enter your username and password you can start sending e-mail right away.

I suggest you download the maxgate dmg and take a look for yourself. here is a link to the software

Take care.


Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero@globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Thanks guys, for the information, this is perfect Smile
Thanks for this thread!
I have been using Xgate for email with an Iridium phone and my G4 Mac Powerbook since October. It is such an improvement over the Iridium email system, in terms of speed and airtime saved that I send email and download gribs at will when the spirit moves me. The set-up for the mac is very simple and Luis is a great help if you do not read the directions.
I send emails with Xgate and GPS NavX never ever hesitates while it is navigating and absorbing AIS data.
[url=http://www.pjlarch.com][color:red]Speed Racer[/color]

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