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Title: Current Arrows and Tide Trends
I've been working on adding current vectors to the Maps in Mr. Tides. Here's what I've got so far. It takes a while (1 - 2 seconds) on my intel iMac (2 GHz) to come up with all the vectors, and I'm looking at what needs to be accelerated. I also want to animate this so that you can see the changes as time goes by, but that's for later on.

I've also added tide trends. The red dots are falling tides, the blue dots are rising tides. I'm still working on this part, it's very much a work in progress at this time.

Nice. Are you plotting just the stations or doing some kind of interpolation? If the latter than what model are you using to achieve accurate results?

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I'm just plotting the station's direction (ebb or flood) as given by the harmonics file. I don't have any model for currents and probably wouldn't use it if I did, as NOAA specifically recommends against interpolating currents.

As I start heading south from Maine, I was wondering how you were progressing on this? Do you have any plans on incorporating this so that it will display on the GPSNavX.

iPhone development has delayed this but now I have time to turn back to getting the vectors to show up. I'm making good progress but I had to turn the map scaling off, it was throwing off the arrows so now the maps look stretched.

I'm still working on how to export the vectors to GPSNavX and MacENC. I think I know how I'll do it, now just have to implement it and test it Smile

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