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Title: Weird GPS/Route behaviour
Greetings:  Not sure if anyone is still following the MacENC threads ( though it looks like a 64 bit version will be coming out from NavStation, apparently free for previous owners) but if any legacy users are there I wonder if you have any insights on this issue...

I used MacENC successfully (which I have been for many years on a Mac mini running High Sierra) on the first leg of a trip.  The next day began I having issues both with my Nexus instruments network and MacENC.  Seemed to have sorted out the Nexus issue (? a loose connection) but MacENC now shows correct GPS info from Nexus in the GPS monitor window and continuously updated correct position on the chart except the boat icon remains the circle and dot, not the triangle as it did before.  Also when following a route it behaves like it's not getting any GPS info in that it doesn't show any of the ETA or DTW info as before and doesn't advance waypoints like before.  Also the GPS monitor window used to show a compass with the red dot for the course to steer but doesn't do that any more.

Strangely if I connect to and open the Instruments window all the data from Nexus is correctly reported AND there's a red dot in the compass that seems to correspond to the proper course to steer.  So clearly the Nexus system is delivering GPS, wind, compass and depth info to MacENC but it seems within MacENC that's not being communicated to the route following function.

Anyone encountered that or have suggestions?  Thanks


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