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Title: Canadian digital charts

How to transfer the charts on my Mac
with GPSNavx ?

The verification program requires a PC (Windows)
It is impossible to read the cards with GPSNavx?

Thank you!

Per the GPSNavX help, BSB raster charts (versions 4 & 5) must be registered following ALL of these steps..


Then follow these steps in the GPSNavX help to use the BSB raster charts..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thank you very much!
Not sure what your source of charts is, but the BSB chart for Lake Ontario, for example is dated 1999 while the ENC chart for Lake Ontario (US3NY21M coastal 1:400,000 dated Jun-09-08) that I have for use with MacENC is perhaps more useful.

The ENC chart shows the Bronte outer harbor that has been there for some years now, while the BSB chart does not show it.

You might make similar investigations for the Canadian waters you are sailing in.

Alameda CA
Blueberry, Nonsuch 22, sail #48
NOAA charts (either BSB or ENC) typically have very little detail for Canadian waters, but CHS charts are available that work great with MacENC..


Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The sets of Canadian BSB charts for the west coast I use have been updated annually (for free) since I bought them, so I assume they're at least as up to date as the paper charts CHS produces.
You can (and should) also check out recent changes in the Notices to Mariners at:

If you setup an account with CHS, they will automatically notify you by email when any of your listed charts are updated.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Wow $1200 Cdn for the west coast of Canada (Vancouver Island and Queen Charlottes) ENC files, but only $525 for the BSB charts. And you get more BSB charts than ENC charts. Strange, I don't understand their economics!
Neither do they! CHS hasn't seen the ball since kickoff.

And if it's like the Eastern region, you may still have to use BSB's in some locations since CHS has not completed all the large scale ENC's.

As I understand CHS policy, you don't have to carry paper charts with ENC but you do with BSB.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

I don't believe the CHS S-57 ENC vectors are encrypted like the BSB rasters are. That might account for some of the cost difference. ENCs are typically used on commercial vessels where BSBs are used for recreational boaters. MacENC is one of the few apps that supports S-57 ENC and is designed for the recreational boater.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
CHS's pricing is absolutely insane, actually. It's crazy too since if you have a c-map plotter you can buy one of their max megawide chips for $220, covering the Bering Sea to Panama, and includes all the CHS charts for a fraction of CHS's price. Go figure.

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