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Title: Virtual PC Upgrade?

Current - iBook running VirtualPC (which includes a copy of Windows XP)

Future - MacBook running Windows via Parallels

When moving from the iBook to the MacBook, do you need to buy the full version of Windows or does the VirtualPC qualify for the [much cheaper] upgrade version? Haven't found the answer on Microsoft's website.

I found a few sites talking about how they got the VPC version of Windoze XP to work with BootCamp. That being said each of copy of XP is registered to one PC so even if you can get Parallels to use it you will need to negotiate with MS to unregister your PowerBook VPC installation so XP can work past 30 days on Parallels. I found this to big of a hassle so I just bought another copy of XP (yuck) for use with BootCamp. I only use XP for one app (thanks Maptech).
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks. Forgot about the license attachment to a specific PC.

I only need it for a few apps as well (WinLink/Sailmail, Blue Water Sailing emagazine, the ENC chart catalog browser, maybe a SSB control program, plus those websites [my former employer] who seem to write their html so it will only work on ie - geezzz, more than I thought), but for those there isn't a Mac option.

VMware for the mac is expected any time. This product will allow you to run PC applications under MacOS. VMWare has been around for many years and it is a fantastic product. I personally have been using it on Linux to run windows 9X, 2k, and XP for many years.

As matter of fact our XGate compression software is/was devloped in a windows XP VM running under linux/VMWare. The serial ports work very well and every satellite phone outhere and HF pactor work perfectly under this environment.

Look for a copy of OSX VMware soon. check out this link. For me personally it will be a great day when VMWare OSX is released.


Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero@globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com

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