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Title: Chart to download Melbourne Australia
Dear All,
please can someone tell me what's the best chart to download
to navigate in Port Phillip Bay Melbourne Australia.
I'am just new to the GpsNavX just installed it.
Kind regards,
Looks like I bought myself a lemmon.with GPSNavX. can't find anything to buy or download charts for the Port Phillip Bay area in Melbourne , Australia. I think it's mainly for the USA market. and some area outside USA.
If I'am wrong please let me know.
I don't think GPSNavX is a lemon. No doubt you checked the GPSNavX compatibility page before purchasing..


There you would have found what international chart coverage there is.

If you are not happy with your purchase send an email to gpsnavx@mac.com asking for a refund.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
@Dutch Aussie

I don't think GPSNavX is a lemon either. I use it with BSB rastermaps of the Dutch inner and outerseas and it works great. Though the maps aren't the latest ones, because I wait for MacENC with support for NON-US vectorcharts.
You could have tested the demoversion before buying the prog.

I'm sure there are rastermaps too for the region you are looking.

Don't know if these charts are compatible with GPSNAVX but you can give it a try:


Happy New Year

You are both right GPSNavX is not a lemon. It's only the area I wanted for is not available.... yet. Should have checked better myself. Thank you, will not ask for refund. Maybe some charts available in the future.
Best regards,
why'n'cha ask these guys if they'll make you a bsb chart

G,day Dutch Aussie...
The problem for us aussie sailors is that the hydrographic office (part of the Australian Navy) will only sell you Australian Raster Charts in Seafarer format and are only to be used with "authorised" software packages like endeavour (they use the old dongle method of authorisation). To get around this problem I have taken to scanning in my own charts and then using them in GPS Navx.

This can be a little time consuming but ... have been a Fan of the MAC since the lisa days and good to be able to take them sailing...

Scott Dillon
Wings Three
CYCA Sydney

I have tested MAC ENC with the new ENC charts from the hydro office and these appear to work from the demo chart provide on the hydro office web site ... at this stage the only charts available are for the Great Barrier Reef
Dan Hinckley
Gingins, Switzerland
Small Point, Maine
Thanks Outstrip and Scott,
Have asked maptrax to make me a chart of the Melbourne area.(no reply yet) I'am also going to try to scan some charts.
Thanks for the advice.

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