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Title: removing magnet from globalsat gps sensor
I've had a Globalsat BU-353 GPS sensor for my GPSNavX for the past two years and have been very careful to keep the sensor, with its strong magnet, away from the body of my laptop and from anything else it might magnetically erase. But I read on the Globalsat website that the magnet is "easily removed", and I'd like to remove it. Has anyone done this and can report on success? I took mine apart but that didn't help any. Is the magnet really external to the bottom of the sensor and priable off?
Thanks for any advice!
Use a small flat bladed screw driver and slowly work around the perimeter of the bottom of the antenna to pry the magnet out.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Happy New Year,
It is a reflection of my handyman skills that I was able to remove the rubber-like cover from the underside of the antennae exposing the magnet but unable to pry the magnet out. It seems to require excessive force that could result in damage to the housing or a stab wound to me. Am I missing something?
No That's the picture. I used a small flat screwdriver. (mid-size in red/clear plastic Stanley case)
Gouging between magnet and black plastic case. The magnet got pryed out and I got 2 small holes in my thumb.
I will try the gps to check it but it looks ok.
I did fry my PB HD with that gps unit last year.
[url=http://www.pjlarch.com][color:red]Speed Racer[/color]
Thanks for that Lou. I will persevere with a bigger screwdriver; or if that doesn't work, use a hammer.
Cheers, Ron

I am happy to tell you the gps unit still works after a little scare with the driver. The wounds healed too. I used the mid-sized driver in the Stanley miniature set.

[url=http://www.pjlarch.com][color:red]Speed Racer[/color]
Lou, Did it. Swiss Army knife and lots of blood. Ron.

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