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Title: Short Cuts In MacENC
Can I make a suggestion? I would like you to swap the [create a waypoint=double click] and the [center chart window=option click] commands.

The reason is that in Google Earth and some other programs double-clcking centers the clicked point and I am forever double clicking in MacENC and getting an unwanted waypoint, which I then have to delete.

It seems to me that centering the chart is a more common action than creating a waypoint so it should be associated with a simpler hand-gesture.


BTW, I don't understand the difference between [drag] and [command-drag] in Measure Mode.
MacENC really needs to work in two capacities. Real-time navigation on a boat and planning mode when on a desk or chart-table. To that end certain decisions were made about short-cuts.

Creating waypoints is very common and some have day light monitors in the cockpit with just a mouse so avoiding a keyboard requirement is why double-clicking creates a waypoint.

Google Earth appears to not only center to, but also zoom in when double-clicking.

[option] click to center to a position is standard. Goes way back to Adobe Photoshop. Reviewing the Apple User Interface guidelines gives no clear standard for [option] click.

If you connect a GPS to MacENC, when measuing via dragging, the origin will be the position icon. Holding down the [command] key will override that and begin the drag operation where you first clicked. If no GPS is connected then the [command] key will have no effect.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
OK. I understand your reasoning. I do a lot more "virtual" sailing than real sailing, so was not thinking about realtime considerations.

I notice that [right-click] gives the option of adding a waypoint also (I'm using a Microsoft mouse). So there are two easy gestures for adding waypoints.

I also notice that [single-click] has no function. Maybe it could be used for centering the chart (when a GPS is not attached)?
Just checked. PCPlanner (C-Map) and Raytech Navigator both use a single click to center the chart.
{option/click} will center the chart on the clicked position, whether a GPS position is available or not.

All of this info is well documented in the Help file, it makes for good reading :wink:
Quote:I also notice that [single-click] has no function

Actually it does have a significant function. It brings the focus to the respective window being clicked on. Typically one does not expect a behavior such as centering an image or chart when bringing the focus to a selected window.

I tried several Apple applications and none that I could find had clicking performing any other function then giving the application and its respective window or control focus.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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