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Title: Moving waypoints & creating routes
When I lay out a new route, I do so zoomed way out so I can get the big picture. After completing this I go back to the first waypoint in the route and move the location to fine tune the route around obstructions and low water, etc. In the Help menu it says:

"When "Mode" is "<+>" waypoints can be moved on the chart. Move the cursor over the waypoint name. The cursor will change to a move cursor. Drag the waypoint to the location desired on the chart."

What is "Mode" and where do I turn this on?

Sometimes I like to move a waypoint I'm navigating to because what looked like a safe clearance on the computer screen turned out to be too close in real life. Can this be done in MacEnc?

Also, when creating a new route should there be a line connecting each waypoint as it is put on the chart? This would make it easier to see a straight line course and if this line is running over obstructions between waypoints. So far, I have been able to double click and lay out a series of waypoints in a route but don't see the connecting line from point of origin to destination.

rcassano Wrote:When I lay out a new route, I do so zoomed way out so I can get the big picture. After completing this I go back to the first waypoint in the route and move the location to fine tune the route around obstructions and low water, etc. In the Help menu it says:

"When "Mode" is "<+>" waypoints can be moved on the chart. Move the cursor over the waypoint name. The cursor will change to a move cursor. Drag the waypoint to the location desired on the chart."

What is "Mode" and where do I turn this on?

"Mode" refers to the 5 tools available that are in the upper right corner of the chart window. The hand tool moves the chart, the blue dotted box selects a portion of the chart to zoom in to, the diagonal line is the range/bearing/distance tool, the "cross" is the waypoint tool ("<+>") and the pencil is the annotation tool.

rcassano Wrote:Sometimes I like to move a waypoint I'm navigating to because what looked like a safe clearance on the computer screen turned out to be too close in real life. Can this be done in MacEnc?

Yes, with the waypoint tool.

rcassano Wrote:Also, when creating a new route should there be a line connecting each waypoint as it is put on the chart? This would make it easier to see a straight line course and if this line is running over obstructions between waypoints. So far, I have been able to double click and lay out a series of waypoints in a route but don't see the connecting line from point of origin to destination.

Have you done this by selecting Route/New in the Routes window? Additionally, to see the line connecting waypoints, you must select Route/Show Selected in the Menu bar..
These respective help sections discuss waypoints and routes:



There is a short cut for creating routes.

1) Open the Routes window, by selecting "Open" on the "Routes" menu

2) Press the "New" button on the "Routes" window

3) Minimize the "Routes" window (This way it will not keep coming to the forefront)

4) [command] double-click on the chart to create a new waypoint that is part of your route

5) Minimize the "Waypoint" window (This way it will not keep coming to the forefront)

6) Repeat step 4) for each waypoint in your route

This technique will graphically create a route right on the chart connecting a line between each waypoint.

If you wish to add an existing waypoint to your new route you can [command] double-click on its name on the chart or press the "Add Waypoint" button on the Routes window.

The order of waypoints in a route can be changed with the [^] and [v] buttons on the Routes window.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the details. So...that's what those tools are called! Ok, I'm getting the hang of it. The "Command, click" seems to work best for me to layout a route. This is very different than what I was used to but not difficult - just have to get used to the program and the shortcut keys.
I was trying to move the waypoint with the wrong mode tool selected.

What turns on the space bar to toggle between the waypoint tool and the "chart moving" tool. I had it working, but somehow turned off the feature.

Thanks again for your patience.
The space bar will invoke to the chart drag tool while pressed and return to the previously selected tool when released. Make sure that the Chart window has the focus for the keyboard short cuts to work.

Lots of info in the MacENC help.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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