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Title: Interface with Nexus NX2 Server
It appears through this forum that some of you are using GPSNavX/MacENC with the Nexus NX2 Server. I was wondering how this interface is set up. Are you able to run the Nexus Racing software on the MAC? Do you have to be running a PC simulator or can it work directly on the MAC OS. I was told the Virtual Port Nexus uses doesn't work on anything but a PC.

If I were to proceed GPSNavX/MacENC would be the primary navigator and the NEXUS navigator would be just a repeater.

GPSNavX/MacENC can work with the NX2 in either a master or slave configuration. You would use a Keyspan Serial Adapter to interface a Mac to the NX2 server.

Can't speak to Nexus Racing Software as have no experience with it. Realize that MacENC does offer a sailing performance feature that calculates and displays the optimum sailing course and target speed based on wind speed, wind direction and performance polars.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the response. The main reason for wanting to run the Nexus Racing Software is to get access to the Caibration tools built in. The Nexus Racing Software can also generate strip charts and post the Targets on the Cabin displays, but it is not a user friendly tool.
hi am running macenc on a mac mini with a whole nexus nx2 setup (server, xl's, multi's, wind, speed, depth, gps and pilot) got the mini hooked up to a serial-usb converter connected to the serial post of the server. Also run parallels with the race software however if you want to switch back to macenc you need to reset the server as this is then running at 19200 (FDX mode) and have not been able to hook it up with mac enc at this speed. I've recently bought expedition but as the boat is ashore at the mom haven't been able to put it to an actual sea trial... so this will have to wait a little longer...however very happy with the setup with loads of flexibility....
to J122...Interested in your set-up on the Nexus side. I also have a complete Nexus suite and have the NX2 plugged in to my Mini Mac via a serial/USB adapter. Successful at receiving a GPS signal from Nexus to the MacENC applicatiion, but can not seem to transfer WPs or Route to the nexus navigator. Ideas??
same here supposedly this should be possible, but thus far I haven't been able to get it to work. I understood there recently was an upgrade to the server software but haven't received that yet. Then again I use macenc mostly with my ais transponder/receiver and have the nexus software connected to expedition (routing software) which I run on windows via parallels. But cannot copy routes and waypoints here either.
Anyone else found a solution for this yet?
I have GPS and wind data transfering to MACENC from NEXUS NX2 server, but I too can not transfer waypints or routes I can live with that since I really only want to repeat the navigation data on the NX2 system and make the MACENC the master navigator. So far no luck. I have tried several configurations of making nexus the master and MACENC the master but which ever I try it appears as though no data makes it over to the NEXUS NX2 server from the MACENC software.
I have a Garmin GPS 76 connected to the NMEA input on my Nexus NX2 server, which in turn is connected via it's serial port and a serial/USB adapter to my MacBookPro. MacENC gets position and instrument data just fine from the Nexus, and since I configured MacENC to "repeat" to the same USB port in the GPS Settings panel, I have been getting BTW and other nav data originating from MacENC showing up on the Nexus NX2 network, no problem. In this case, I guess MacENC is the "master."
MacENC 7.00 will add the ability for the Target boat speed from the SailTimer function to be repeated to the Nexus system.

I expect MacENC 7.00 to be release in the next few weeks.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Once we disconnected the Nexus GPS Navigator from the NEXUS Network the information from MACENC started appearing. I am working with NEXUS folks to figure out why. It's been great having MACENC and NEXUS integrated and can't wait for the TBS to pass over from MACENC. Should help us in training mood.

Several time this weekend the navigation data stop showing up on the NEXUS instruments. When this occord I had to reboot the lap top to get the connections back up and running.
Do make sure you have "Autopilot Only" checked in the GPS panel Settings drawer. Otherwise MacENC will repeat everything it receives creating a feedback loop.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
BTW, I did have luck doing a transfer of a route with multiple waypoints from MacENC to a Garmin 76; once I changed the Garmin import mode to NEMA0183 vs. Garmin mode.Hmmm. I believe part of the problem is that MacENC uses the $GPWPL NMEA message to send the waypoints. According to the NX2 server documentation that I have (version 4.8, dated April 2003, pg 1-22) the NMEA sentence WPL, waypoint location is not yet implemented, within the NX2 serve.This is probably the reason the transfer works to a Garmin 76 but is not received by the Nexus system. My next call in to Ohm, is Nexus Tech Support area. Wish me luck.
BayBilly, J122

Did you have to make any changes to the FDX NEMA out menu to have the FDX data sent to the MacENC program? I don't see a option in the NEMA out selection of POS (GPS position)only GLL ? Running the FDX server w/ GPS navigator, multi display and old ComNav speed log.
Did anyone have any luck in getting waypoints and routes from macenc to the Nexus server?
Catamount - I hope this is an easy one...
I am connecting a Garmin 76 to a Nexus server and am not sure of the correct wiring map. I see that you have already done this. Can you let me know where you connected the 4 wires (12V+, Ground, Serial Data IN, Serial Data OUT)to on the Nexus server? As well, given that the Garmin 76 runs on NMEA 0183 v3.01, have you had any issues with the Nexus Server (NMEA 0183 v1.5 and v2.0 compatible)?
Thanks for your help,
I as well need to interface MacENC with my Nexus NX2 server. Essentially, I wish to have the Nexus instrument data available to be used within MacENC. I currently am using the NMEA PC Port (DB9) and then I use a Serial to USB adapter. Then that input is grabbed via VM Fusion on com port 6. I wish to stop running the virtualization software and just have the NMEA data sent to MacENC and possibly other display software (PolarComm). I tried not using the VM Fusion and just seeing if MacENC would see the NMEA data stream however I was unsuccessful. Please advise how this might be accomplished.
You will need to install an OS X Driver for what ever USB to Serial Adapter you are using. Advise as to brand/model ..


Often times the Prolific driver will work on generic brands.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
There finally seems to be a sollution to get waypoints copied to NX2 server, Besides MacEnc I use Expedition and in there it is now possible to press a button at which instance the active waypoints are copied over to the nexus network however before they can be used by the nexus GPS they need to be converted to nexus waypoints however it at least takes the human factor out of the equation.
Would be great to be able to copy the waypoints from MacEnc to the nexus network as well..... Any idea if and how this could be done GPSNAVX?

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