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Title: My charts on iNavX?
Just bought iNavX because it looks like the greatest navigation app out there for the iPad. I'm also using GPSNavX since a couple of years and am thinking about upgrading to MacENC (is there an upgrade price?).

I have a bunch of raster charts (.KAP) that I've been using with GPSNavX that I now also want to use on iNavX (they don't need any activation). Having realized that there is no file exchange with iNavX via iTunes, I thought X-Traverse would let me share files with iNavX and got an account (needed anyways to purchase charts so no big deal - even though I think X-Traverse should charge the companies that sell the charts and not the customer, but that's a topic for another day...).

Unfortunately it seems like charts cannot be shared that way. I couldn't upload my chart to X-Traverse, just got an undefined error and the X-Traverse app doesn't accept .KAP files.

So my question: How can I use my existing charts with iNavX?
John (aka Loith) Chapin
s/v Azura [url=http://svazura.net/][color:darkblue]HERE[/color] .
"A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other." Samuel Johnson
The X-Traverse uploader app for Mac OS X supports GPX, KML/KMZ and GRIB files. The X-Traverse server does not have support for uploading user provided .KAP BSB raster charts. As such the functionality to use such charts is not in iNavX as stated in the iNavX FAQ.

If there is a chart region not available on X-Traverse, please let them know and they can work with the producer to offer it for iNavX, GPSNavX, MacENC, Fugawi.


Existing GPSNavX customers can upgrade to MacENC at a discounted price. Contact gpsnavx at mac dot com directly for details.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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