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Title: Magnetic Variation on COG?
When i set the Heading to Magnetic in the Preferences-Panel of MACEnc the COG Course in the GPS-Window change to Magnetic instead of the Heading. Is this correct? I would expect that the Heading would be changed and the COG don't.

I would appreciate any advise you can give me.

As Applied to MacENC 8.50..

Whether COG or other bearings such as BTW are True or Magnetic are set on the MacENC "View" menu.

You can set the amount of variation manually or let MacENC compute it in the MacENC "Variation" in the Preferences.

The "Instruments" section of the MacENC Preferences applies only to the "Instruments" panel which will either show Heading True or Heading Magnetic.

Every bearing shown in MacENC will either display "True" or "Mag" after it's value.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
This make sense! Thank you very much for the quick reply.
Olivier Hendrikx

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