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Title: GRIB delivery
jagasail Wrote:HOWEVER, I find two major shortcomings:
1 - I find the lack of upper air (500mb) data a major flaw. I even got a grib with upper air data by a direct query to saildocs and openning it in uGrib. While uGrib would show the surface data it would not show the 500mb contours (which MacENC would do).

Yes, their suite of available files is limited at the moment. I'm given to believe that that will be user driven. Their forum has a "Feature Request" section whereby users can post suggestions/requests.

jagasail Wrote:2 - You must be connected to the internet to get the data - their is no email delivery option. Thus its only good for short term near-shore data where you either get data before departure, or you need a satphone or other internet connection.

I think you are missing the point here. To send/receive email, one must also be "connected to the internet", how you do that (cel, sat phone,wifi, etc) doesn't matter. The downside to email is that there are 2 transactions involved-sending and receiving, both of which are time and bandwidth consuming. The beauty of grib.us is that the transaction happens in one session, you make the request and the file is immediately downloaded, either with ugrib or their browser interface. I would guess that the connection time and data transfered are less than 50% that of the email method. BTW, you specify the size of the file in the browser by selecting the compression method or with ugrib, by the connection type. Once you get the file, MacENC or GPSNavX (or others) will display it.

jagasail Wrote:Still, for free it's great as long as you're coastal cruising, though a port to the Mac would be useful.

It will be just as useful no matter where you are. I currently receive my GRIBs while at sea via my Iridium and when coastal sailing via my cel.

Yes, a port of ugrib to Mac would be great... In the FAQ section of their page, they address that very issue. If they see enough interest from Mac users, I feel sure an OS X version of ugrib would be forthcoming. Make a request in their forum!!

jagasail Wrote:My two cents

Bob (not affiliated with grib.us)Etter

Messages In This Thread
GRIB delivery - by - December 26, 2006 10:56
[No subject] - by - December 28, 2006 11:54
500mb Height - by - December 28, 2006 12:23
GRIB.US - by - December 28, 2006 14:25
Re: GRIB.US - by - December 28, 2006 15:33
Re: GRIB.US - by - December 28, 2006 16:30
[No subject] - by - December 28, 2006 17:26
grib.us for Mac - by - December 29, 2006 08:28
[No subject] - by - December 29, 2006 10:02
[No subject] - by - December 29, 2006 10:05
[No subject] - by - December 30, 2006 02:01
500mb GRIBs - by - December 31, 2006 12:45
[No subject] - by - December 31, 2006 23:07
Re: 500mb GRIBs - by - January 1, 2007 00:25
500mb GRIBs - by - January 1, 2007 02:07
[No subject] - by - January 1, 2007 09:11
Re: 500mb GRIBs - by - January 10, 2007 22:37
[No subject] - by - January 10, 2007 22:45
[No subject] - by - January 11, 2007 21:18
MacWX 2.0 - by - January 24, 2007 22:34

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