July 12, 2007 12:06
Yes, its true, I did wire the serial plug wrong. I mistakenly followed the diagram on page 5 of the MiniPlex manual which shows the correct pin orientation for connecting a computer to the MiniPlex RS-232 terminals. As I found out one must reverse the plug gender in order to get it right for AIS. I think it would be helpful if the manual also showed a plug wiring diagram specifically from the AIS receiver to MiniPlex terminal strip point of view as well as the MiniPlex to computer that is there now. I was so sure I had this part right that I never revisited the wiring of the plug until absolutly desperate. I have to credit GPSNavX and Shipmodul for their incredable patience with me on this most basic mistake. Their responses and help was always immediate and detailed. Thank you. I promise, I won't ever get this one wrong again.