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Title: Future of Mr. Tides
Quote:The commercial people do have access to harmonics that the XTIDE-based people (me!) don't have. That's been proven in England and Australia, and I suspect many other places aren't releasing new harmonics but I can't show this. So I don't find it hard to believe that the commercial programs can get current flow models from government agencies after providing some lucre.

If commercial marine software vendors get access to harmonics from government agencies, wouldn't it be easier for Rich to get access too? Probably it isn't so expensive to get the data, and I would be willing to pay more for Mac Navigational Software if i included reliable tides and currents info.
On the other hand it could be that the data isn't just available to the public because of security issues, that is government don't trust free software? (Which is a shame because most genius applications are from the shareware/free market: Open-Office, Linux etc.)

Though this is just an idea.


Messages In This Thread
Future of Mr. Tides - by - October 9, 2007 16:36
[No subject] - by - October 9, 2007 23:48
[No subject] - by - October 10, 2007 08:44
Interpolating currents - by - October 10, 2007 09:33
[No subject] - by - October 10, 2007 10:34
[No subject] - by - October 10, 2007 10:46
[No subject] - by - October 10, 2007 13:08
[No subject] - by - October 10, 2007 14:12
[No subject] - by - October 11, 2007 09:32
[No subject] - by - October 12, 2007 10:37
[No subject] - by - October 12, 2007 11:21
[No subject] - by - October 12, 2007 16:56
[No subject] - by - October 16, 2007 11:50
iPhone - by - October 16, 2007 11:56
Tides & Currents - by - October 16, 2007 22:40
Re: iPhone - by - October 17, 2007 05:57
Re: Tides & Currents - by - October 17, 2007 07:08
Re: iPhone - by - October 17, 2007 09:45
[No subject] - by - October 23, 2007 11:28
[No subject] - by - October 23, 2007 13:04
[No subject] - by - October 23, 2007 14:59
[No subject] - by - October 29, 2007 03:30
[No subject] - by - December 8, 2007 13:14
[No subject] - by - December 13, 2007 15:00
[No subject] - by - December 13, 2007 15:01
[No subject] - by - January 6, 2008 16:15
[No subject] - by - February 8, 2008 05:44
[No subject] - by - February 17, 2008 11:27
[No subject] - by - May 23, 2008 08:23
[No subject] - by - May 23, 2008 09:17
[No subject] - by - May 23, 2008 09:46
[No subject] - by - May 23, 2008 11:08
[No subject] - by - May 23, 2008 15:59
[No subject] - by - May 25, 2008 14:31
[No subject] - by - May 14, 2010 03:40

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