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Title: Raymarine Ready to Go package
Sinsentido Wrote:One is the SeaMate from Mølgaard Netcom (an danish company)
The other one is the "Quickie" I read about on the "more WiFi" thread on MacSailing.net. It refers to
I wouldn't wonder if there were more, as the WLAN interface is not very challenging to connect from Macs.

This sounds all great, but I still thinks data transfer (though NMEA data aren't MB of data) is still safer using wired cable instead of WiFi. What if WiFi data is erroneous due to antennas on the coast? (telecom, military etc)
Second WiFi empties the Macbooks (or any other laptop's) battery very fast.
Seamate looks great but I don't think it's compatible with Macs because of lack of drivers. And it's expensive, see the site's catalogue it begins at 7500 DKK and goes up to 11000 DKK (1000-1500 € or 1500 - 2300 USD).
That's a lot of money which can buy me a reliable multiplexer and a lot of cables/wires to setup a working system.

Just my 2 cents :-)



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