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Title: Attempts at Real Time Navigation with an IBook
Just thought I would post a progress report.

Purchased a cigarette lighter power supply lead from the Apple Store. This seems to work best if I remove the IBook battery. If I leave the battery in it still runs down and does not charge. With the battery out the IBook runs just fine from the lighter socket but I must remember to put the battery back in afer disconnecting or I lose lose some system settings (Date Time Keyboard). However, if I use my lighter socket extension lead to use the IBook further forward it won't run. I presume there must be some loss in the extension cable.
Note that the Power Supply refers to an input voltage of 13.5 volts whereas even with my new boat batteries fully charged voltage rarely exceeds 12.8 v

Raymarine 300 GPS
Finally got the cable from Raymarine and was able to conect it to an NMEA cable which was already in place and only being used for power connection.
Plugged into the IBook and GPS Nav X recognised the signal. Voila, real time navigation via the 300GPS.

Downloading Waypoints from 300GPS
No problem using appropriate menu in the GPS. All received by GPS NavX.

Uploading Waypoints to 300GPS
This was interesting. The 300 GPS received the waypoints but in the process the longitude seems to have been corrupted with most reading around 70w. More fiddling required here.

Downloading Tracks from 300GPS
I want to do this but so far have been unable to do so.

I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. Not has seamless as with the Garmin but we are making progress.

On another note. Arrived in St Peterport Guernsey last week. Turned on the IBook and Airport connected to the new marina hotspot. Absolutely superb. Fast connection and I was able to check the weather forecast, review mail etc without having to leave the cabin.

John Proctor
S/V Chagall
Sun Odyssey 37.2

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by - April 21, 2005 06:21
[No subject] - by - April 21, 2005 06:47
[No subject] - by - April 21, 2005 07:56
[No subject] - by - April 24, 2005 12:55
How did you get on? - by - April 25, 2005 05:05
[No subject] - by - April 26, 2005 03:10
[No subject] - by - April 26, 2005 04:00
Interface with Raymarine GPS 300 - by - April 27, 2005 03:56
Connecting to Raymarine GPS300 - by - April 27, 2005 04:40
Connecting to Raymarine GPS300 - by - June 9, 2005 06:44
Waypoint transfer format for Raymarine - by - June 9, 2005 09:10

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