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Title: charting choices for world cruising
We'll be heading out to the Pacific in the near future, so we've been investigating charting software as well as charts. So far, for other than specific local cruising, I can't find any electronic chart supplier beyond C-Map which makes any sense. Their Mega Max version is the most complete and way, way beyond the most affordable for far ranging cruisers. We can do the planned Pacific circle with four or five cards. But the only way I know of to use them is with a chart plotter or a windows based software such as MaxSea or Nobeltec.

We're trying to figure out the best way to run Windows on the mac and everything to do with Bootcamp and Parallels seems just so fragile or awkward that it scares me. I spoke to a Parallels rep the other day about how to get an actual disk here in Canada in case I needed to reinstall. He suggested it was not needed because one needed to keep downloading the updates constantly to keep things running because of constant Apple and Microsoft changes. Do I want to go to remote areas with such a fragile system? .

We're comfortable traveling with paper charts and sextant, but the price of paper charts and the price of C-map equivalents have really gotten our attention.

Is there a way to do HF email (ham and marine) without windows and just be resigned to only charting with paper or a chartplotter? I left the Windows OS 15 years ago and what I now see is just painful to contemplate. I'd almost rather pull up anchor chain by hand.

What have I missed?

Vancouver Island

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by - February 1, 2009 12:41
[No subject] - by - February 1, 2009 22:07
[No subject] - by - February 2, 2009 08:57
[No subject] - by - February 5, 2009 10:37
[No subject] - by - February 6, 2009 08:11
[No subject] - by - February 6, 2009 15:17
[No subject] - by - February 9, 2009 09:32
[No subject] - by - February 9, 2009 10:47
[No subject] - by - February 12, 2009 19:48

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