October 21, 2009 07:49
Thank you for the feedback!
Because of the way our application treats chart cells, this is somewhat difficult to do. Outside the Chart Manager a cell is a cell regardless of it's format. That said, I will definitely think of the appropriate solution.
A "live GPS" product that combines PolarView and PolarCOM into a cohesive system is currently under development. It should be released shortly, pending finalization of documentation.
Network ports (both TCP and UDP) are "listening" server ports in current PolarCOM. They permit external connections from other applications.
A client TCP port (to connect to other systems) is on the TODO list, and should be available shortly.
chriscokid Wrote:1. It would be nice to be able to scroll using the mouse wheel like google earth and many others.As it happens, quite a few users asked about mouse wheel functionality - though most requested that mouse wheel control zoom level, so that's on the TODO list.
Quote:2. It would be useful to have a function to switch the current screen from ENC to RNC like MacENC's cmd-R. Going to the chart manager is very tedious when there are hundreds of charts there.
Because of the way our application treats chart cells, this is somewhat difficult to do. Outside the Chart Manager a cell is a cell regardless of it's format. That said, I will definitely think of the appropriate solution.
Quote:3. Do you intend to add features like GPS input to show vessel position on the charts?
A "live GPS" product that combines PolarView and PolarCOM into a cohesive system is currently under development. It should be released shortly, pending finalization of documentation.
Quote:I also tried PolarCom and it looks nice but I cannot get it to connect to a TCP server of NMEA information. I press on 'start' but nothing happens. (Mac OSX 10.6.1)
Network ports (both TCP and UDP) are "listening" server ports in current PolarCOM. They permit external connections from other applications.
A client TCP port (to connect to other systems) is on the TODO list, and should be available shortly.