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Title: ENC Charts
For those that know way more than I (TTKWMTI), something is puzzling me. Have only recently gotten into navigation... but I think I see something very odd.

ENC charts come from NOAA, and from what I've read, started being "created" several years ago. Yet, for some reason I find certain significant holes close to home (NYC).

Imagine a rectangular area bounded by Wood Hole, Chatham, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard... mostly blank. Imagine most of the southern, ocean facing shore of Long Island. No ENC coverage. Without pouring over the whole set, I gotta believe there are other holes just as significant close to other areas than sailors visit.

I'm sort of shocked; for a variety of reasons, from a technology standpoint, vector charts are the way to go, but it's hard to convince anyone if there are such "holes." Anyone know more about this...

Messages In This Thread
ENC Charts - by - January 5, 2006 13:48
Re: ENC Charts - by - January 6, 2006 05:36
[No subject] - by - January 6, 2006 12:37

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