April 26, 2010 15:31
Never tried the screen sharing apps. Might not be a bad idea on iPad.
iNavX allows you to download what you need when you want it, or download an entire region.
You can download charts to your Mac from the NOAA RNC website, but the zip files expand such that every RNC (raster chart) is in a separate folder. So one can use Spotlight to move all the .KAP files into one "Charts" folder that GPSNavX or MacENC can use. If you don't want to work on that then we offer a DVD with all the charts already downloaded and ready to use.
iNavX allows you to download what you need when you want it, or download an entire region.
You can download charts to your Mac from the NOAA RNC website, but the zip files expand such that every RNC (raster chart) is in a separate folder. So one can use Spotlight to move all the .KAP files into one "Charts" folder that GPSNavX or MacENC can use. If you don't want to work on that then we offer a DVD with all the charts already downloaded and ready to use.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38