June 2, 2010 15:12
The 6 character limitation comes from older GPS that did not like longer identifiers. NMEA spec says basically characters 0..9 A..Z can be used. However you can override the truncation/formatting by editing the com.macenc.plist in the home / Library / Preferences folder. Be sure to quit MacENC 7.50 first.
The entry:
gpsTransferOtherSkipFormattingWaypointNames can be added as a Boolean set to TRUE using Property List Editor in the Mac's Utility folder.
This will tell MacENC to leave the waypoint name intact when transfering via the NMEA $GPWPL sentence which is used when type is Other in the GPS panel Settings drawer.
The entry:
gpsTransferOtherSkipFormattingWaypointNames can be added as a Boolean set to TRUE using Property List Editor in the Mac's Utility folder.
This will tell MacENC to leave the waypoint name intact when transfering via the NMEA $GPWPL sentence which is used when type is Other in the GPS panel Settings drawer.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38