August 8, 2010 12:58
charleslincoln Wrote:Wondering about the tide station list in AyeTides XL compared to AyeTides and Mr Tides. Is a tide substation list available prior to purchase?
My biggest frustration with AyeTides is that the primary substations I use on the computer are not available on the iphone version. (yeah, I can easily work around that, but I'd prefer not.)
Mr. Tides hasn't been updated in a while so the lists are not in sync any longer. The lists for AyeTides and AyeTides XL are in sync, so I suspect the missing stations are coming from an update from NOAA that removed them. They've been purging quite a few stations in the last 3 years or so. If you'll tell me the name of the station(s) that are missing, I can look them up and tell you their status.
I'm still working on a Google Earth file that has the stations in it. I'm having some trouble with the zoom levels and getting the stations to not overwhelm the screen. Google Maps won't work as it slows to a crawl when trying to process all the stations. I'll work on this some more and see if I can get it to do what I want.