March 22, 2006 13:54
When I bought my iBook last year it was because I saw GPSNavX and because ibookas are reliable and run several hours compared to PC laptops.
I only use Windows based PC at work and never use them at home.
When I tried the demo of GPSNavX I ordered it at once and haven't regretted it.
I even made a demo at our club and compared it to MaxSea where every module like AIS/radar, weather GRID support costs a fortune.
The BSB maps for Europe just work great and the system didn't crash once.
PC laptops we tried either makes enormous noise or power useage is way to high.
Weather charts are downloaded via mobile phone or via WiFi in harbours.
I'm very satisfied with GPSNavX and will buy MacENC as soon as S57 maps for Europe are supported.
I would even pay 150 USD for GPSNAVX!
Regards Manou
I only use Windows based PC at work and never use them at home.
When I tried the demo of GPSNavX I ordered it at once and haven't regretted it.
I even made a demo at our club and compared it to MaxSea where every module like AIS/radar, weather GRID support costs a fortune.
The BSB maps for Europe just work great and the system didn't crash once.
PC laptops we tried either makes enormous noise or power useage is way to high.
Weather charts are downloaded via mobile phone or via WiFi in harbours.
I'm very satisfied with GPSNavX and will buy MacENC as soon as S57 maps for Europe are supported.
I would even pay 150 USD for GPSNAVX!
Regards Manou