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Title: Am thinking about selling Mac and migrating to a PC notebook
MacENC 3.20 answers a lot of wish list items.

Note: MacENC 3.20 is a Universal Binary which allows it to run natively on both PowerPC and Intel OS X. This requires OS X version 10.3.9 or later for both PowerPC and Intel Mac OS X. Make sure you do "About this Mac" on the Apple menu to confirm. If your OS X is older than version 10.3.9 then select "Software Update..." and accept any OS X updates. Most Macs do this automatically.

Changes/Fixes since version 3.10:

- MacENC supports non North oriented Mercator raster charts!!

- Support for encrypted international ENCs. MacENC will now open S-63 encrypted ENCs. I have developed and tested with the UKHO ENC's...


And the ENC's from ChartWorld...


Use the UserPermit displayed in the Chart Manager window to purchase international ENC's.

- NDI Canadian ENC's are compatible with MacENC


- "Request GRIB" on the "Weather" menu will request via SailDocs a GRIB for the currently displayed chart. The GRIB will come into your mail applications inbox and can be opened in GPSNavX via the "Open GRIB...". The GRIB will have both wind and pressure data and be for 00, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 hours. Note: this requires at least one email account be setup in the OS X Mail application.
- GRIBS with pressure, air temperature or sea temperature will be plotted as contour lines. "Contour" button toggles display of contour plot.

- Mighty Mouse scroll wheel will also function in the Chart Overview panel.

- Zoom to 1:20,000,000 scale.

- Closest Point Of Approach Distance and Time displayed in AIS "More Info.." sheet. Automatically updates.

- "Scroll To" button on AIS panel, scrolls chart to selected target.

- "New" button on Track window will create a new track record with current position.

- "Cross Track Alarm" on "Waypoints" menu will trigger if cross track to the active waypoint is equal to or greater than "Cross Track Distance" in Preferences window.

- SiRF GPS (GPS type in the GPS panel "Settings" drawer) such as the TN-200, TN-206, MR-350, BU-303, BU-353 will have their NMEA satellite messages $GPGSA and $GPGSV limited to once every five seconds, other position, speed and heading messages will continue at once a second. This will help improve overall performance.

- "Cells" on the "View" menu lets you select the scale of cells that are displayed.
"General" 1:250,000 - 1:500,000 / "Coastal" 1:60,000 - 1:250,000 / "Approach" 1:25,000 - 1:60,000 / "Harbor" 1:2,500 - 1:25,000.

- Improved Raster chart clipping.

- [control] clicking when a raster chart is displayed will give a list of all raster charts that intersect the screen sorted by scale. Those in bold contain the position where clicked.

GlobalMarineNet offers on the fly high speed compression for web access. This is useful if you are using a cell or sat phone connection. Works great with Safari or any other Mac or Windows browsers..


Mac Charting & Navigation & Weather

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by - March 7, 2006 16:03
[No subject] - by - March 7, 2006 16:43
[No subject] - by - March 22, 2006 13:54
[No subject] - by - March 22, 2006 14:13
MacENC 3.20 might keep you from migrating - by - April 11, 2006 19:52

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