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Title: Need help with chart options
I'm running a Powerbook G4 (powerPC chip), 1.67 Ghz, 2 GB of RAM. It's about 6 years old, but still runs like a champ.

I'm looking for vector chart options. I have MacEnc. I can't purchase Navionics charts because you need an intel chip to run them.

I've used Navionics gold charts to get from San Francisco to Australia, but the (newer) computer they ran on belongs to a crew member who is leaving. Their one stop packages were great to know that you had the coverage for the area you purchased.

Where else can I buy charts from that has a decent interface to buy lots of charts? I'm a cruiser and looking to purchase overview down to harbor/berthing level charts from Sydney up the Australian Coast to Papua New Guinea and on to Thailand.
As far as I can tell, Chartworld's interface is terrible. Their chart manager would be great but it is a PC program. Can't use it. Do I really have to find every chart I want one at a time, and then just wonder/hope that I got them all?

I looked at the IC-ENC website and found their cataloge nearly unbearable to use as well. Perhaps a slow internet connection contributes to that, but it's really not usefully easy to use.

Can anyone help me with a suggestion or plan?

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[No subject] - by - October 6, 2010 00:36
[No subject] - by - October 6, 2010 21:51
[No subject] - by - October 7, 2010 12:44

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