March 22, 2006 21:59
GPSNavX and MacENC expect import files in Comma Seperated Values.
From the GPSNavX or MacENC help accessed on the "Help" menu...
Waypoints can be "imported" and "exported" to a file via the "Waypoints" menu and "Transfer" sub menu. For importing the waypoints must be in the following format:
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
Routes can be "imported" and "exported" to a file via the "Routes" menu and "Transfer" sub menu. For importing the route waypoints must be in the following format:
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
Tracks can be "imported" and "exported" to a file via the "Track" menu "Transfer" sub menu. The format will be..
date, latitude, longitude, cog, sog, heading, speed, depth, windAngle, windSpeed <newline>
Missing values can be left blank, but the commas must be present
Be sure the latitude and logitude are in DDD.MMMH format. Example 43.222N or 121.083W. Also set the Position Format in the "View" menu to DDD.MMMH
From the GPSNavX or MacENC help accessed on the "Help" menu...
Waypoints can be "imported" and "exported" to a file via the "Waypoints" menu and "Transfer" sub menu. For importing the waypoints must be in the following format:
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
Routes can be "imported" and "exported" to a file via the "Routes" menu and "Transfer" sub menu. For importing the route waypoints must be in the following format:
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
name,latitude,longitude,description <newline>
Tracks can be "imported" and "exported" to a file via the "Track" menu "Transfer" sub menu. The format will be..
date, latitude, longitude, cog, sog, heading, speed, depth, windAngle, windSpeed <newline>
Missing values can be left blank, but the commas must be present
Be sure the latitude and logitude are in DDD.MMMH format. Example 43.222N or 121.083W. Also set the Position Format in the "View" menu to DDD.MMMH
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38