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Title: Starpilot & iNA
A celestial calculator, plotter and a nautical almanac.
I have found the author to very helpful/responsive.
Great Stuff!!
Material below copied from the website:

StarPilot: http://www.starpilotllc.com/products/spip.htm
StarPilot does celestial sight reductions of all bodies using high-precision internal almanac, plus mathematical and graphic solutions for position fixes, great circle, rhumb line, traverse and composite sailings, all current problems, piloting solutions, and much more...including lunar distance method of finding GMT from the sky and a unique graphical Sight Planner, and the new Sight Analyzer function that helps you get the most accurate results from a series of sights.

iNA: , http://www.starpilotllc.com/products/iNA.htm
NA computes all ephemeris data available in the daily pages of the USNO Nautical Almanac. This information is required when doing astronomical computations for celestial navigation, local noon, sunrise, and others. The program computes GHA, Dec, SHA, SD, HP, magnitudes, sunrise, sunset, LAN, twilight times, moonrise, moonset, moon age and phase for sun, moon, 5 planets, and 173 stars. INA also computes additional useful information not included in the Nautical Almanac such as ephemeris for Mercury, Hc at LAN, bearing of sunrise and sunset (amplitudes), and the GHA of Aries midway between civil and nautical twilights for star planning.

Developed by Luis Soltero, the founder of Global Marine Networks, LLC which develops and delivers wireless data services to users in remote locations via satellite technology. Innovative products such as XGate, OCENS.Mail and WeatherNet have already set new industry standards for providing reliable, fast data services such as compression based email, weather on demand, and vessel tracking for ships world wide.

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[No subject] - by - February 11, 2011 05:29

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