October 31, 2011 16:16
Yes, but aren't there some sort of NMEA 0183 standard sentences which are output by most, if not all RADAR devices?
I suppose, with AIS, the whole RADAR thing doesn't have the appeal it used to have. Mine is so old (an currently non-operational) that I am questioning whether or not to bother with a replacement. AIS seems much more "useable" and cost effective. It does output some sort of NMEA sentences, though.
Along those lines, one feature I miss since I've dumped my old Standard Horizon chart plotter in favor of PolarView is DSC/MMSI integration. Might be cool to be able to receive a DCS signal and give the user the option to reroute to the received location as a waypoint. Perhaps even have a "Little Black Book" of friends boats (through their MMSI #) with the ability to plot location and set waypts, etc. Although, now that I explain it, it seems redundant with AIS. Hmmm. But then again, a DSC alarm seems to fit in with the whole PolarCOM senario.
I suppose, with AIS, the whole RADAR thing doesn't have the appeal it used to have. Mine is so old (an currently non-operational) that I am questioning whether or not to bother with a replacement. AIS seems much more "useable" and cost effective. It does output some sort of NMEA sentences, though.
Along those lines, one feature I miss since I've dumped my old Standard Horizon chart plotter in favor of PolarView is DSC/MMSI integration. Might be cool to be able to receive a DCS signal and give the user the option to reroute to the received location as a waypoint. Perhaps even have a "Little Black Book" of friends boats (through their MMSI #) with the ability to plot location and set waypts, etc. Although, now that I explain it, it seems redundant with AIS. Hmmm. But then again, a DSC alarm seems to fit in with the whole PolarCOM senario.