August 14, 2006 19:56
If you haven't already, check my post on Seatalk and the miniplex a month or two ago (you should find it easily if you search on 'seatalk'). Unless they've updated it the Seatalk wiring to the miniplex isn't documented and isn't as obvious as you might think. I finally had to email GPSNavX and he emailed the miniplex guys to get it sorted out. Once done correctly it works very well. Was actually very easy and I used a spare Seatalk cable meant to connect to a powersource. One such cable comes with each RayMarine device and you only need one for the whole network.
If you haven't already, check my post on Seatalk and the miniplex a month or two ago (you should find it easily if you search on 'seatalk'). Unless they've updated it the Seatalk wiring to the miniplex isn't documented and isn't as obvious as you might think. I finally had to email GPSNavX and he emailed the miniplex guys to get it sorted out. Once done correctly it works very well. Was actually very easy and I used a spare Seatalk cable meant to connect to a powersource. One such cable comes with each RayMarine device and you only need one for the whole network.