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Title: iPad Weather apps
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
For iPhone, the best GRIB weather app I never seen Weather4D is coming from France.
And a post about it here on my weblog.
Thanks for spotting this one, Francis. After reading your review, I purchased Weather4D a couple of days ago. It works very well here in the Great Lakes region.
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 Jon Longworth

The latest version WEATHERTRACK 1.1. has been released on the app store offering new features, such as Meteogram, Animation, Track Weather and more improvements. The new features are shown and explained as videos on our new website. Check it out here:

Competition is tough!
Weather4D 1.1 comes out with a bunch of novelties, in dual version iPad/iPhone at the same price. Free update for 1.0 owners
I've been using PocketGrib (http://itunes.com/apps/pocketgrib) which shows wind, pressure, rain, waves etc, and allows for simple downloads, weather display, animation and meteograms.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
In a couple of days, Weather4D PRO will be released 1.3 with a major feature: a Routing module. With no additional fee, this routing module comes with all the main options expected, to provide the same level of results than MaxSea or Adrena.
More info in this post.
I am of course excited by the very capable GRIB Wx apps that are showing up on IOS primarily. For the last year I have been using WeatherTrack ( http://www.weathertrack.us/whatsnew.html - $8 in IOS App Store) and find that it exceeds my expectations and the developer is VERY active and diligent. They recently sent a survey to users exploring among other things the interest in high resolution Wx products and Wx routing.
This is easy understand now that I read more about Weather_4D ( http://www.weather4d.com/en/ - $6 in IOS App Store) and particularly the 'PRO' version ($28 in IOS App Store) which is offering HD forecasts and routing, how darn cool is that?
These developers in particular seem to be setting the gold standard by which other GRIB and Wx functionality apps will be judged.

I may have another delivery Brazil to Carrib coming up, and between iNavX letting me 'rent' charts for S. America and Carrib at a very fair price and the new Wx functionality and interface-ability coming around I am excited and going right to the app store to by the cheaper Wx-4D and start comparing it to WeatherTrack.

[color:red]My profound thanks to all you developers that are making advanced charting and Wx data available in new ways.[/color]
Weather4D Pro 1.3.3 is available on the App Store.
More about it:


In addition, here a video about new features:



--Olivier Bouyssou
HF Weather Fax and Navtex Pad Marine Weather
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Last release of iBook tutorial " Get Weather Forecast with Satphone at Sea" available on iBook Store. Updated satphone and airtime pricing and added new IsatPhone2.
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 Jon Longworth

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 Jon Longworth

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 Jon Longworth


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