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Title: troubleshooting
Am having following issues with new GPSNavX installation on my PowerBook G4:
1. GPS will often not activate/show green. Have solved by: a/ restarting software; or, b/restarting computer.
2. Sometimes software will freeze: can't quit. Must do ForceQuit.
3. Sometimes software windows ("Chart Settings" or "GPS") will freeze; cannot drag or move them.
4. With GPS connected, unable to get autopilot sensing data from the software; ie, cannot use "TRACK" on my AH 7000 autopilot.
Remind us again what model/brand GPS and if using a USB to Serial adapter which one. Often times the problems you note are with sub par USB to serial adapters.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Am using Garmin GPSmap 492 with Keyspan HS19 serial adapter. I have Garmin set to "NMEA In/NMEA Out" at 4800. I also just downloaded latest driver and moved it to "Applications" from its root location of G4/Library/Received. Was this last move OK? or should I leave the driver where it was?
The Keyspan installer should be putting the driver (KeyspanUSAdriver.kext) in the Macintosh / System / Library / Extensions folder. You should not move the driver to the "Applications" folder. One important point is the Keyspan USB to serial adapter should be connected to your Mac before starting GPSNavX. Another is it may be that you have created a NMEA feedback loop with your autopilot. Make sure you are only transmitting to the Autopilot and that you are only receiving from the GPS. Select "Autopilot Only" in the GPS panel Settings drawer.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
OK, I've dble-checked the following:
1. Keyspan driver v2.5 is here: G4/Library/Receipts (no Extensions folder)
2. I connected Keyspan 19HS to computer first, then restarted, and then started up GPSNavX
3. I am transmitting only to the A/P (have selected "Autopilot Only" in the GPS panel) and as far as I can tell, am receiving only from the GPS.
And now, I'm getting no GPS position at all. I'm out of ideas and heading for dinner. I'll check in later.
Make sure you have selected in the GPS panel Settings drawer Port KeySerial1, Rate 4800, Type Other or Garmin is fine. When data is coming from the GPS you will see the UTC field in the GPS panel update. Don't bother with the Autopilot until you get the GPS NMEA data coming in. You can also check the GPS panel Monitor drawer for data reception (be sure to select [Start]).
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I have had the same problem. It has never worked for me. I had the marine electrician check the connections yesterday and everything is fine. He thinks the Keyspan may be bad.
Keyspan shows it is working. Fails to connect.
If all is well (i.e the Keyspan Adapter is connected to a NMEA 0183 talker - GPS) the UTC field in the GPS panel will update when the port selected is KeySerial1, Rate 4800, Type Other in Settings drawer. In some rare instances connecting to a differential RS-422 NMEA connection (as opposed to a single-ended RS-232 connection) will not work with the Keyspan. This symptom of this is a solid green light on the Keyspan adapter. I have only seen this with older Furuno GPS or AIS receivers. If the port KeySerial1 is not available it means either the Keyspan driver is not installed OR the Keyspan adapter was plugged in after starting up GPSNavX or MacENC.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I will try again tomorrow. Thanks.

I have the Raymarine RL 70+ chartplotter/GPS.
Still does not work. I printed the entire help section, and followed the instructions above. Nothing.
It probably would be more effective if you email directly: gpsnavx at mac dot com

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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