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Title: Instruments in iNavX
Just seen some great screenshots posted by GPSNavX on Panbo.com.



These gauges look great onscreen. I hope they'll be more for Xtrack, depth etc.

How about support for multiple gauges? Will this functionality be available for the iPod?

I could see a nav setup with just ipod touches and an iPad, providing all instruments from a wifi NMEA stream.
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
The gauges are available on all devices, but obviously screen realestate limits how much/many can be shown. The plan is to make them dock-able at least on iPad. A new satellite view (location and strength - requires NMEA data) is on the way ..


Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
To follow up, XTE (Cross Track Error) is plotted on the chart. When a waypoint is activated a red line from origination position is drawn to the waypoint as is a blue line from current position drawn. As XTE increases the red and blue lines separate. In addition an arrow indicating direction to turn to reduce XTE is drawn in the compass band.

XTE is shown multiple ways in this screenshot ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Is the compass banner available in chart view on the iPhone? I have a vague memory of seeing it when I was navigating to a waypoint, but after going through the online help, I don't see any mention of it? Just another faulty memory?
Life is a journey, not a guided tour.
On iPhone the compass banner is on the "Instruments" view.
On iPad the compass banner is on both the "Instruments" and "Chart" view.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
How do I display the information shown at the top of the screen (compass, COG, Lat/Lon, etc.) in this image? http://www.inavx.com/images/screenshots/...nchart.png
I'm using location services only.
On your iPad, tap the blue disclosure button in the upper left hand corner of the chart and you will see the compass and instruments band as shown in the image. Once the the data is displayed, you can tap on any of the values to see a bigger display of the individual data. Some like COG or SOG have an analog graphic representation.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thank you. And, does the yellow color of the compass band mean I'm not receiving a good fix? And, if I'm navigating a route, I assume the other "instrument" displays will become visible, i.e. TTG, DTR, DTW, RTN, WPN etc.
Per the iNavX "Guide"

"The compass banner will have a yellow background if errror is greater than 30 degrees."

This most likely indicates external magnetic interference.

Yes the Waypoint and/or Route data will display IF navigating to a waypoint and/or route.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
How do I display analog instrument faces on the chart?
Tap the values in the Instruments banner at the top of the Chart just below the Compass banner. For example SOG: or HDG:
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
For iNavX 3.1.1, Route Instrument view shows distance to go and time to go for waypoint in the route. Tap "DTR:", "RTN:" or "TMR:" to display. "Next" button will advance to the the next waypoint in the route.

Available on iPhone/iPod/iPad ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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