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Title: MacBookPro & Garmin GPSmap 276c

I'm planning a week sail trip on the french west indies (From Martinique to Saint Vincent) and as a switcher from PC world I'm investigating Mac solutions. I've downloaded the GPSNavX and try to use it with my Garmin GPSMap 276c with the USB cable. I have not found a solution to make it work.

I know that a serial to USB cable solution exists but I still try to make it work directly with USB because:
- MacGPS Pro™ seems to work with receiving real time data from the GPS (at least a friend tells me that it works with his powerbook and the same Garmin GPS unit with USB)
- LoadMyTracks works (I've tested it)

When I launch the demo of GPSNav X, and I try to connect the GPS, I've tested with all GPS types and the only port available is /dev/cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync.

Do I miss something or a pure USB solution with this GPS unit is not possible? And I can't wait for an official support for Mac by Garnin, but does it will help?

I'm also interrested in the Waterproof 20 Channel USB GPS product but if I can use my Garmin it will nicer.

Thanks from Belgium

Yes GSPNavX is a Universal Binary which runs navtively on your MacBook Pro. MacGPSPro is not Intel native so it requires software translation which diminishes performance.

GPSNavX is built around the NMEA standard. This is common for marine navigation applications. While true, many Garmin GPS have a USB interface, sadly they do not send NMEA information over the USB cable. The Garmin proprietary data transfer does provide position information, however it does not provide for example satellite reception information.

So a serial interface must be used. For your Garmin you would need these two cables..



The BU-353 does provide NMEA information over the USB port.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for your quick awnser. Support is half of a good product.

GPSNavX Wrote:So a serial interface must be used. For your Garmin you would need these two cables..


The total price of these two cables is almost the same of the BU-353. The BU-353 option seems attractive. Leaving the garmin for the outdoor usage. Do someone have a good testimonial about his GPS ? But I've read "Not compatible with Intel Macs" on the order page, is-it definitive ?

Now I'm looking for best (Quality/Price) BSB charts for this area (South of Martinique). Any to provider recommend ?

Prolific is promising an Intel compatible OS X driver shortly for the BU-353 Waterproof 20 Channel USB GPS. Until then we are stating "not Intel Compatible". As soon as a driver is released I will post the news here and update our order page.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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