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Title: Great Applications - Mobile Apps for Boaters
With Boating Apps Exploding, Here Are Some Finds for the iPhone, iPad, Droid and Others...
[ MadMariner.com ]
There is another weather app that might be interesting:


WEATHERTRACK displays GRIB files in detail for any location in the world. By zooming and panning you get an individual, interactive forecast for the very area of interest that you have selected, as the GRIB files are arranged by points in a latitude/longitude grid.
Some of my favorites are iNavx, Navionics, Navimatics, nmeaRemote, iSailor, iRegatta, Harry's sailor, Nav Lights, Nav Rules, Marina Life and Day Tides. See reviews of many great apps at

i-Marine Apps
The latest version WEATHERTRACK 1.1. has been released on the app store offering new features, such as Meteogram, Animation, Track Weather and more improvements. The new features are shown and explained as videos on our new website. Check it out here:

I've been using PocketGrib (http://itunes.com/apps/pocketgrib) which offers a nice easy to use interface. It covers all the usual parameters (wind, pressure, rain, waves, temp etc) and also allows for easy downloading (of GFS GRIBs), weather display, animation and meteograms.
The latest version of PocketGrib (1.0.5) has just been released and is now supporting cloud cover, relative humidity and CAPE (convective available potential energy) and other small improvements.

Any suggestions or questions,be sure to let me know...

I am pleased to announce the availability of the new release of Weather4D: v1.2.

New features (CAPE, waves etc!): http://www.weather4d.com/en/news

The presentation of CAPE data in the latest version is very useful.

Have you considered porting Weather4D to the Mac?

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth


Thank for your feedback.

Yes, I hope to begin the development of the OS X release in the second quarter of 2012.

My todolist for IOS still my priority.

I am pleased to announce the availability of Pro verion of Weather4D.

A summary of new features:

- Prediction passage of the Iridium satellites constellation.

I added in Weather4D Pro the display of the Iridium constellation on the globe in 3D and I implemented a function for predict passage of satellites and a search function for find an appointment and retrieve his GRIB files in conditions of optimum reception.

A search button calculates a date based on criteria defined in the "Options prediction" of "Settings". Two criteria are available:

- Minimum elevation (angle mini above the horizon)
- Minimum time range (minimum time of exposure for the elevation choose)

- The import of GRIB file:

The application accepts files Grib type 1 and recognizes the .rgb file and grb.gz,. Grb.bz2 for compressed versions. From mail, Safari or any other applications using the mechanism "Open In" you can import files in GRIB Weather4D Pro. Imported files are stored in a folder reserved for them.

- Historical of GRIB files:

So far, the refresh of weather data from an zone overwrite old data. Now the application maintains a history for each zone. The history files are stored in a folder that you can view at your leisure.

- Personal Folder File GRIB:

You can always make a copy of a file Grib from an zone to a personal folder (My GRIB) and store them in a tree. You can also create folders and subfolders to organize your GRIB.

- Copy / Paste GRIB file:

Through this mechanism you copy files between folders (Historical, File Import and in "My Gribs").

- Share your files GRIB:

Grib files can be sent by attachment in an email or exported to a compatible application (iNavX, File Connect etc ...) via a menu "Open In"

- SailDocs request by Mail:

To use Weather4D Pro in a satellite communication or BLU environment you can create a SailDocs request from a zone. The contents of the mail is automatically generated based on settings of the zone. Thereafter you choose your email client. Choose from: Mail, and XGate AxcessPoint...

- Importing KML file type to see the movement of the vessel during weather forecasts.

These files can be created by any other navigation applications like iNavX.

Back on land after 14 days of sailing between Las Palmas and St. Lucia, here's an article that summarizes our use of AxcessPoint during our crossing of the Atlantic:


44 connections, 22 grib files, 0 failure...
My most used sailing apps for the iphone are Navionics USA, TideGraph, Windfinder, Evernote, and Anchor Watch.

I started off using an ipad sailing when they first came out. I no longer use turn on my mac nav computer. I run Navionics on my ipad and for connivence and a quick update, I also run it on my iphone. I use my ipad for track/log keeping and the Navionics sync option syncs the data between both devices.

I also use Evernote multiple logbooks(trip, planning, repairs, manuals, ...) it is also cloud based so data is sync'd between all devices.
Also buoydata for current conditions and history on any buoy
Navionics charts , Boat Beacon (AIS) and Compasss Eye
My top five:






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