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Title: Microsoft/Pharos 360 usb GPS
Hello to all,

Has anyone been able to get a Microsoft/Pharos 360 usb GPS to work in Polar Navy on a mac running Snow Leopard? If so, what driver and settings are being used.

Flash Gordon
I am not familiar with this device, but a look at the manufacturer's web site shows that it uses Prolific PL 2303 chipset to communicate with a computer.

Generally, for devices using PL 2303 you should be able to use original Prolific drivers as found here: http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=31

With this driver, GPS would appear as a serial device, such as /dev/tty.usbserial. If this GPS provides NMEA 0183 output, it should then work with PolarCOM.

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