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Title: New, and lame … alreadym

I'm sorry that my first contribution is about an issue many have surely already solved.

MacEnc 8.3 has a window for alerts, that show up in my case for AIS. A few days ago, I unchecked the alarm settings in this window, so that I would not be disturbed while getting into the harbor.

Now I want to check the alarm settings, but I can't find any menu to open this alert window (and, no, i'm not talking about macenc preferences windows).

Would anybody be able to help me on that ?

Thanks a lot

Henri, on bel ami
The only alarm settings in MacENC are in the MacENC Preferences. The actual visual alarm dialog that comes up does not have any settings on it.

You certainly can select any AIS target in the AIS panel then select "More Info" button to see details about a target including the crossing distance, time and bearing.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Well, it seems I'm dumb ! or blind !

This alarm window doesn't belong to MacEnc, but to PolarCom ! it took me only one week to figure out it could be that !

Sorry for the inconvenience :/

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