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Title: MacENC -Garmin NMEA 2000 & 0183 Autopilot?

I'm not new to technology but am very new to NMEA networks so sorry in advance for some dumb questions.

I have Gamin NMEA 2000 wind and GPS instruments currently connected to a Garmin GMI 10 display.

I also have a TMQ Autopilot that uses NMEA 0183. (currently connected to no other devices)

Sooo what is the best way to put MacENC on my macbook air into this equation?

Do I need to buy both a NMEA2000 to USB and a NMEA0183 to USB? Or is there a smart way to multiplex and convert so that the computer only sees all 2000 or al 0183?

Thanks in advance

Jon J
You would use an Actisense NGT-1 USB for the N2K input and an Actisense USG-1 USB for the N-0183 output.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:You would use an Actisense NGT-1 USB for the N2K input and an Actisense USG-1 USB for the N-0183 output.

Thanks Navx - to save costs I was thinking that I can survive without the nmea2000 instruments at my PC for now. I forgot I have an old seatrek GPS on the 0183 network.

So just to be completely clear I only need one USG-1 USB device and then MacENC will talk to my 0183 autopilot AND 0183 gps AND 0183 AIS device when I get one?

thanks again,

Jon J
If you are not going to need N2K then you could use this cable to connect both your N-0183 GPS and Autopilot ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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