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Title: MAC program to read NMEA data
The following can be used to read the NMEA sentance (all of them) that come down the wire - it read 1000, displays them, and write them to a file.

use Device::SerialPort;
$ob= Device::SerialPort -> new ($port);
$ob-> baudrate(4800);
$ob-> parity("none");
$ob-> databits( 8 );
$ob-> handshake("none");

unlink "data.txt";
open (INPUT, "/dev/cu.KeySerial1");
open (OUTPUT, "> data.txt");

$time = localtime(time ());
print "Start Reading NMEA Data ".$time."\n";

while ($w < 1000){
$text=readline INPUT;
print $text;
print OUTPUT $text."\t\n";

If you do not have Device::SerialPort on you MAC, you can download it from
Thanks. For those not programatically inclined you can download GPSUtility and just copy and paste the NMEA output in the monitor window.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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