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Title: Zooming in MacENC?
Is it reasonably possible to increase the 'zoom out' on MacENC? From a passage planning, or just plain dreaming, it would be nice to see a larger part of the map. At the very least it would be helpful to West Coast to Hawaii without panning, though West Coast to Marquises would be nice.

Yes it is possible to add zooming out further, but here is the issue. Every feature including coast lines has a minimum scale at which it can be displayed. This is in the ENC data. On the NOAA overview cells which get displayed when the zoom scale is set to 1:10,000,000 (Overview) the coast lines and for the most part all features will not display at smaller than say 1:12,000,000. So what would happen is you could zoom out futher, but everything would disappear.

MacENC adheres to the scale minimum attribute of every feature and also the cell scale (i.e. harbor, coastal, overview, etc.). You set the zoom scale in MacENC to see certain scale cells and their respective features.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I understand about the ENCs - The last time I looked at MaxSea they had the same issue with the ENCs. However, it would still be useful to zoom out with the rasters, similar to GPSNavX. I find it useful when plotting a longer course to be able to see the whole thing. I.e. - sailing from SFO to Hawaii, making sure you're actually either plotting the rumb line or the southing around the North Pac High you want. Sailing to the South Pacific, without doing so you could really be taking an inefficient route and not realize it.

You can do this with GPSNavX, but it seems silly and inefficient to have to switch between the two to make and view your route.

I do understand the both products were made for and primarily used by sailors not making such long passages, and thus don't necessarily need such a broad view, but a few added features such as this I would think could expand your market.

Will add 1:20,000,000 overview to the next release. This will give about 3,500 nm coveage across the screen.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks - that will be quite helpful. Big Grin

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